Membership & Insurance FAQs – Canada

DAN World Membership & Dive Accident Insurance FAQs

Explore our library of information for answers to the most asked questions about DAN World coverage. If your question isn’t addressed, contact our team.


Does DAN membership cover hyperbaric chamber treatments and other medical costs?

No. If you need insurance coverage for the medical costs related to diving accidents, please purchase DAN dive accident insurance once you become a member. Dive accident insurance is not automatically included with membership. Plans start at CAD$50 per year and provide insurance specifically for dive accidents.

Can I purchase Family Membership?

No, all DAN World coverages are per person. Each family member can choose the membership and insurance option that best meets their individual needs.

Is the fee for the membership & insurance options monthly or annual?

Both benefits Regular Membership and Enhanced Membership have an annual fee that provides for an entire year. There are no recurring monthly costs associated with DAN membership.

Can Quebec residents purchase DAN World Membership and/or Dive Accident Insurance?

DAN World is currently unable to offer membership or dive accident insurance to Quebec residents.  If you are a Quebec resident wishing to join or renew an expired membership with DAN World and purchase dive accident insurance, please know that we are working toward being able to do so in the future. Please check back periodically.

How much does DAN World membership cost?

Divers and travelers can choose Regular Membership or Enhanced Membership. The rates start as low as CAD$50 per year for an individual Regular Membership. Dive operators and businesses can become DAN Business Members free of charge.

In what currency do I pay my DAN World Membership and Dive Accident Insurance?

For your convenience, DAN World charges membership and insurance fees in Canadian Dollars. 

After joining, how long does it take for my benefits to become active?

Membership and dive accident insurance go into effect as soon as DAN World receives payment. You can get immediate coverage by joining online or by calling +1-919-684-2948 during business hours and paying by any major credit card.

¿Hay disponibles membresías de por vida?

DAN World ofrece membresías anuales solamente. Las membresías de por vida no están disponibles.

Does the membership and/or dive accident insurance fee need to be paid in full at the time of enrollment?

Las tarifas deben ser pagadas en su totalidad (en un solo pago) en el momento de la inscripción.

What is the coverage period for the Membership and Insurance options?

12 meses

What age limits apply to the Membership & Dive Accident Insurance options?

The minimum age for coverage is 8 years old.

¿Recibiré una tarjeta de membresía?

Upon renewing or joining DAN, you will receive a confirmation email which will include instructions on how to log in to your member portal where you will find a downloadable member card. DAN World does not mail member cards.

El servicio de evacuación médica de emergencia, ¿solo está cubierto en caso de emergencias de buceo?

As part of your DAN World Membership, you receive DAN TravelAssist benefits and emergency medical evacuation coverage. These benefits help with both diving and nondiving medical emergencies while you are on a trip. Your emergency medical evacuation coverage assists you when you travel at least 50 miles (80km) or more from home. 

To use this member benefit you MUST first contact DAN TravelAssist through the DAN Emergency Hotline (+1-919-684-9111) BEFORE making any evacuation arrangements.

Do my Membership and Dive Accident Insurance benefits apply internationally?

Sí. La

Hay algún país excluido de los servicios DAN TravelAssist (evacuación de emergencia)?

It is the member’s responsibility to inquire whether a country/region is “open” for assistance prior to departure. Please contact DAN World by email to confirm which countries are excluded for your expected dates of travel.

Does DAN World coverage include search and rescue benefits?

Search & Rescue benefits are available in both the Enhanced Membership and the Guardian dive accident insurance. 

Can I upgrade my Regular Membership to Enhanced Membership? 

Yes, you can upgrade at any time by calling DAN Member Services at +1-919-684-2948.

What are the differences between Enhanced Membership and DAN World’s Guardian dive accident insurance plan? Do I need both?  

Enhanced Membership includes emergency evacuation and repatriation coverage as well as other DAN TravelAssist benefits. It does not include accident medical expense coverage, which is offered through DAN dive accident insurance plans such as the Guardian Plan. The Guardian Plan includes up to CAD$500,000 in accident medical expense coverage for covered diving accidents. Both divers and nondivers can benefit from the Guardian Plan in addition to DAN membership. Some of the benefits available with the Guardian Plan provide coverage for non-diving accidents outside of your home country and accident medical expense coverage for named water sports accidents while on a trip.

Can I get a print subscription to Alert Diver without being a member?

The print edition of Alert Diver magazine is an exclusive benefit of DAN World Enhanced Membership. Members who have Regular Memberships can enjoy the digital editions of Alert Diver, available via

Do members who have a Regular Membership receive the print edition of Alert Diver?   

No, members who have a Regular Membership have access to the digital editions of Alert Diver.

¿Puedo organizar mi propia evacuación antes de ponerme en contacto con el DAN?  

No, debe ponerse en contacto con DAN TravelAssist first before an evacuation or you may be responsible for the costs incurred — which can easily exceed CAD$50,000. All emergency medical evacuation arrangements must be handled by DAN TravelAssist through the DAN Emergency Hotline (+1-919-684-9111). 

¿Cómo se reembolsa una evacuación médica urgente?  

Since any emergency medical evacuation must be authorized by and coordinated through DAN TravelAssist para estar cubierto, no hay gastos de bolsillo, por lo que no es necesario el reembolso.

¿Cómo se utiliza DAN? TravelAssist?  

Members should call DAN’s 24/7 Emergency Hotline (+1-919-684-9111) to arrange assistance.

¿Me repatriará automáticamente DAN tras una urgencia médica?

Miembro DAN TravelAssist no pagará el transporte de usted o de un familiar cubierto hasta su lugar de residencia después de una urgencia médica cubierta si existen centros médicos adecuados más cercanos que puedan proporcionarle la atención adecuada para su enfermedad.

Will my address or phone number be sold or made available to solicitors?

DAN World is committed to protecting your privacy and uses your personal information only to process orders and provide you with the highest level of service. Your information will not be sold. For complete details, please review our privacy policy.

What Is the Refund Policy For Membership and Dive Accident Insurance?

Your DAN World Membership and Dive Accident Insurance may be canceled and eligible for a full refund if the following criteria are met:

  • Within 10 days of the policy purchase date.
  • only if a claim has not been filed.

For questions regarding cancellations and refunds, email .


Are snorkeling, freediving, and spearfishing covered by DAN World’s Dive Accident Insurance?

For recreational activities, yes. However, any competition-related or record setting/breaking attempts activity is excluded per the conditions of the policy.

Can I purchase the Dive Accident Insurance only?

No. DAN Membership is required before dive accident insurance can be added. Dive accident insurance cannot be purchased alone.

Do I Need To Be A Certain Distance From Home Before Dive Accident Insurance Coverage Takes Effect?

DAN dive accident insurance provides global coverage. There is no minimum distance from home required before coverage goes into effect.

Are Commercial Diving Activities Covered Under Dive Accident Insurance?

Commercial diving is not covered. DAN World offers dive accident insurance for recreational divers. A covered dive or a covered diving activity means a recreational dive or diving while a scuba instructor, divemaster, underwater photographer/videographer; or while performing research under the auspices and following the diving safety guidelines of the Canadian Academy of Underwater Scientist (CAUS), or a group whose written diving research protocol meets or exceeds those of the CAUS; or diving as a volunteer in support of marine conservation or marine habitat restoration projects. A covered dive begins upon entry into the water and ends upon exit from the water and the covered dive must begin while the dive accident insurance is in force.

What Does Non-Diving Accident Coverage Include?

The Guardian and Preferred dive accident insurance options provide Non-Diving Accident Coverage for Accident Medical Expenses incurred outside your home country.  The Guardian option also provides Named Water Sport Accident coverage while on a trip at least 50 miles/80 km from your home, for Accident Medical expenses, Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefits, and Permanent and Total Disability benefits.  See Comparar cobertura for complete terms and conditions.

¿Cuánto suelen costar los tratamientos con cámara hiperbárica?

The cost of hyperbaric chamber treatments varies.  However, the cost could range from CAD$400-$1330 per hour plus the costs of medication and physician fees. Costs depend on how many treatments are required, the location of the dive accident and the hyperbaric chamber facility.

What Does Dive Accident Insurance Accident Medical Expense Benefit Cover?

Los gastos cubiertos incluyen el coste razonable y habitual de los servicios y suministros médicamente necesarios prestados para la atención y el tratamiento de un Accidente de Buceo Cubierto, hasta el Límite de la Prestación, cuando hayan sido prescritos, realizados u ordenados por un médico, incurridos dentro de los 365 días siguientes al accidente. Esto incluye:

  • Tratamiento en cámara hiperbárica
  • Physician’s Charges for Hyperbaric Chamber Treatment medical care and surgical operations
  • Transporte en ambulancia terrestre, aérea o marítima hasta el hospital o cámara hiperbárica más cercanos, donde puedan dispensarse los cuidados o tratamientos prescritos.
  • Gastos de hospitalización

View Comparar cobertura for complete terms and conditions.

¿Cómo cambio de beneficiario?

Contact Member Services and we will be happy to help you update your account.

¿Cómo puedo presentar un reclamo?

Contact Member services for Notification of claim should be given within 180 days after a covered accident. If it’s not possible to notify the claims office during that time, it must be given as soon as reasonably possible. To submit a claim, obtain claim forms, or request additional information on how to report a claim, please call, write, or email:

DAN Services, Inc.
6 West Colony Place, Suite 200
Durham, NC 27705 EE.UU.

Teléfono: +1-919-684-2948

Correo electrónico - 

¿Aún necesita ayuda?

Contact Member Services via the contact details below.

Member Services

Phone: +1-919-684-2948

Correo electrónico: 

Monday-Friday 8:30a.m.- 5.00p.m. ET

Emergencia 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana Línea directa


Se aceptan llamadas por cobro revertido

In the event of a dive accident or injury, call local EMS first, then call DAN.

El DAN debe organizar el transporte para que se abonen los gastos de evacuación médica de urgencia cubiertos.

Línea de información médica

Obtenga respuestas a sus consultas de salud y buceo (que no sean situaciones de emergencia).

De lunes a viernes, de 8:30 a.m. a 5 p.m. (hora del este)


En línea: Consulte a un médico

Recibirá una respuesta en 24 a 48 horas.

La membresía de DAN World incluye la inscripción automática en DAN TravelAssist®. Benefits are available for both diving and non-diving emergencies, with the maximum benefit limit depending on which Membership option you purchase.  

Miembro DAN TravelAssist® son proporcionados por DAN, Travel Guard®, y otros proveedores de servicios dependiendo del beneficio. Para acceder a estos beneficios o para solicitar transporte médico de emergencia, debe comunicarse con DAN TravelAssist para asistencia. Es posible que no se reembolse el transporte médico de emergencia organizado directamente por usted. 
