À propos de DAN

À propos de DAN World

The world’s most recognized and respected dive safety organization, Divers Alert Network (DAN) has remained committed to the health and well-being of divers for 40 years. The organization’s research, medical services and global-response programs create an extensive network that supports divers with vital services such as injury prevention, safety and educational programs and lifesaving evacuations. Every day, hundreds of thousands of divers around the world look to DAN as their dive safety organization.

Actualités et médias

Restez au courant des dernières annonces, des recherches, des campagnes de service public et d’autres nouvelles de DAN. DAN est le nom de confiance en matière de sécurité pour les plongeurs et l’organisme s’engage à fournir aux plongeurs les ressources dont ils ont besoin. En disposant d’informations pertinentes sur les activités de l’organisme pour la communauté de la plongée et bien plus, les plongeurs sont mieux à même de faire le bon choix lors de chaque aventure.

Faire un don

Your tax-deductible donation will help divers everywhere by supporting our 24/7 Emergency Hotline and our network of recompression chambers. It will also allow us to equip dive professionals and dive operators with life-saving equipment through our grant programs. Plus, you’ll help us build safer diving communities for the benefit of all who love our sport.


The Asia Pacific (AP) region of coverage includes Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific islands, Indonesia, Polynesia, Melanesia, Southeast Asia, India, China, Thailand, Taiwan and Korea.

The Latin American – Caribbean (LAC) Region of coverage includes the Caribbean (Puerto Rico, Bahamas, British and U.S. Virgin Islands), Micronesia, Guam, Central, and South America.

The Canada Region of coverage includes the 10 provinces and 3 territories.
