A TWO-WEEK LIVEABOARD in Turks and Caicos was the first dive trip I’d taken in 18 months, and I quickly learned that this small island nation has plenty to offer adults and children alike. It was Family Week, so I got to spend time with the younger generation of divers and their parents. West Caicos […]
I WAS 13 YEARS OLD THE FIRST TIME I WENT SCUBA DIVING. My family was on a trip to Cancun, and my dad took me and my sister, Carrie, who was 11 at the time, for a scuba lesson. We did a low-risk resort-style dive, going no deeper than 25 feet. But we loved the […]
WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS, you make lemonade, as the saying goes. Such was the case for Jen Overturf. She suffered a spinal injury at her sixth thoracic vertebra from a dirt-biking accident in 2003 that left her paralyzed from the waist down. After the accident …
Assis dans un bureau poussiéreux, entouré de dizaines de bouteilles, de scooters, de combinaisons étanches, d'un énorme compresseur et de près d'une centaine de photos de plongées effectuées dans le monde entier, collées sur du contreplaqué, je me suis retrouvé dans la cabane de plongée de Tim.
I’M ALWAYS AMAZED at what people will do for love. My girlfriend, who is terrified of the ocean, announced that she wanted to learn to dive and then accompany me on a trip to Raja Ampat, Indonesia. I was thrilled. We come from different backgrounds and always look for activities we can do together.
Young women beginning their careers as dive instructors regularly ask me how to be heard on a dive boat. Their experience is that guests don’t naturally listen to their directions. The dive industry has improved, and I don’t want to downplay the vast improvements that have already happened for women dive professionals. But this is a common question, so it remains relevant.
After getting my dive certification in 1992, I was instantaneously addicted. Being young, obsessed, and convinced of my immortality, I was not the most conservative diver, but I had no issues with decompression sickness (DCS) for my first decade of diving.
I’m 14 years old and a newly certified scuba diver. I’ve heard that many years ago divers got certified because of Jacques Cousteau or an old TV show called Sea Hunt, but those were way before my time.
Mon père est toujours à mes côtés dans tout ce que je fais. Ce n'était donc pas une surprise lorsqu'il m'a suivie depuis le bout de notre bateau de plongée et qu'il a plongé sous les vagues.