Water aerobics can be beneficial for divers who want to improve their control and stamina underwater while minimizing impact on their joints. These targeted water aerobics exercises utilize aqua dumbbells and focus on enhancing a diver’s core stability, strength, and endurance.
The following sequences consist of 45-second exercises with a 15-second break. Take a longer break between exercises if needed. Try to complete three rounds of each exercise before moving on to the next one. The first round may initially feel awkward due to the resistance and buoyancy of the aqua dumbbells, but the movements should feel more familiar by the second round.
Always listen to your body and train at the intensity that is right for you.
Single Aqua Dumbbell Jacks
1. Stand with your feet close together, and hold an aqua dumbbell in one hand.
2. Jump your legs out wide while bringing your hands together.
3. Switch the aqua dumbbell to the other hand.
4. Jump your legs together while extending your arms away from your body and toward the water surface.
5. Repeat for 45 seconds.
Tip: Control your arm movements.
Modification : Don’t use the aqua dumbbells.
Défi : Make the jumps bigger.

Single Aqua Dumbbell Pass
1. Stand with the aqua dumbbell in one hand.
2. Raise your legs with your knees bent.
3. Pass the aqua dumbbell under your legs to the opposite hand.
4. Extend and lower your legs.
5. Reverse direction.
6. Repeat for 45 seconds.
Tip: Focus on bringing your knees up toward your chest rather than moving your chest toward your knees.
Modification : Lift one leg at a time.
Défi : Increase the speed while maintaining body control.

Aqua Dumbbell Dips
1. Stand and hold your aqua dumbbells at your sides.
2. Push the dumbbells straight down into the water, keeping them close to your body.
3. Bend your knees so that your body is suspended.
4. Slowly bend your arms, sliding the dumbbells up the sides of your body.
5. Slowly lower your arms.
6. Repeat for 45 seconds.
Tip: Keep your arms close to your body.
Modification : Keep your legs straight.
Défi : Do as many repetitions as you can.

1. Stand while holding the dumbbell in front of you using both hands.
2. Stagger your legs with your aqua dumbbell in your left hand. Do a high knee with your right leg and then a left leg butt kick.
3. Rock front to back. Continue until you have a steady pace.
4. After establishing the pace, slide your arms out. Extend your elbow to push down the aqua dumbbell, and then bend your elbow until the dumbbell is at the surface of the water.
5. Continue for 45 seconds, and then repeat on the other side.
Tip: Make sure your arms are slightly offset to avoid hitting your knee as it comes up.
Modification : Keep the push-pull at the surface.
Défi : Fully extend the elbows downward.

Alternating Wide Knee Lifts
1. Stand while holding the aqua dumbbell in both hands in front of you.
2. Alternate wide knee lifts while pushing down the dumbbell in the center.
3. Gradually increase the speed.
4. Continue for 45 seconds, catch your breath, and repeat for another 45 seconds.
Tip: Start slowly to stay in one place.
Modification : Keep the pace slow.
Défi : Lift up both knees while pushing down the dumbbell in a frog hop (similar to a frog kick, but you hit the ground in between).

Plank Crunch Shoot Front to Back
1. Stand while holding an aqua dumbbell in each hand.
2. Lift your knees in front of you.
3. Push your hands forward while extending your legs behind you.
4. Pull your hands back toward your body while bringing your legs forward.
5. Repeat for 45 seconds.
Tip: If you are in shallow water, be aware of how far your feet are from the bottom to avoid hitting your toes.
Modification : Gradually work toward full extension.
Défi : Hold extension in front and back for a few seconds.

Plank Crunch Shoot Side to Side
1. Stand while holding both dumbbells out to your sides at the water’s surface.
2. Bring both knees toward your chest.
3. Keep both arms out to your sides, and shoot your legs out, extending to one side.
4. Repeat on the opposite side, and continue for 45 seconds.
Tip: Maintain downward pressure on the dumbbells to keep your hands slightly lower than your shoulders.
Modification : Don’t fully extend your legs.
Défi : Hold your legs extended to your side.

NOTE : To avoid an increased risk of decompression sickness, DAN® recommends that divers avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours after making a dive. During your annual physical exam or following any changes in your health status, consult your physician to ensure you have medical clearance to dive.
© Alert Diver – Q1 2025