Continuing Education

Learn to be safer. And save an additional 5% on your liability insurance premium.

Safety Through Education

At DAN, our vision is to make every dive accident- and injury-free. Our new series of online courses are designed to provide dive professionals and businesses with the proper knowledge and training to improve safety and reduce risk. DAN members are eligible for an additional 5% discount on their liability insurance premium after completing the course. 

Course Overview

Most diving incidents and accidents don’t just happen. Diving accidents follow a predictable pattern culminating in a terminal event. In this course, you’ll learn how to prevent incidents and limit losses. We’ll discuss the top ten highest risk activities in diving and the best practices to minimize an accident – plus so much more.

  • Introduction
  • Risk Management
  • Risk Tolerance
  • The Pathology of a Diving Accident
  • Legal Issues for Dive Professionals
  • Negligence
  • Duty of Care
  • Breach of Duty
  • Proximate Cause
  • Damages
  • Negligence Scenarios
  • Mitigating Risk
  • Highest Risk for Liability Consequences
  • Meilleures pratiques
  • Exam

How To Get Started

Étape 1: Login to your individual DAN World account.

Step 2: Click the DAN e-Learning link in the right sidebar.

Step 3: In the DAN e-learning platform, go to the “Available” tab.

Step 4: Click “Continuing Education for Dive Professionals – Course 1: Liability” to begin.

Discounted Liability Insurance Premiums

DAN is offering discounted premiums on individual professional liability and group professional liability insurance to all DAN World members who complete the online liability insurance course.

Beginning May 1, 2024, any DAN World member will receive a 5% discount on their liability policy and an additional 5% when they have completed the continuing education course. If you are on a group professional liability policy, completing the e-learning may count toward a discount on the group professional liability premium. 

To qualify for the discount, the e-learning course must be completed before you renew your professional liability insurance policy. Refunds will not be issued to professionals who renew their policy and then take the course.

Meet Tec Clark – Your Course Instructor

DAN has partnered with Tec Clark to provide this continuing education training for dive professionals and businesses. Tec has held elite positions in the dive industry including managing director of the University of Florida’s Academic Diving Program and national director of the YMCA Scuba Program. He holds over 40 professional certifications with over 15 dive training agencies.

Clark has also been a police officer, dive rescue team member, and forensic dive accident investigator. He has appeared as a diving expert on A&E, The Learning Channel, and Outdoor Life Network. Clark was captain of the U.S. freediving team and founder of Reef Ministries. He is the associate director for scuba diving at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

He helps dive professionals be dynamic leaders underwater, in the classroom, in their businesses, and in life at

Foire aux questions

Where do I find the training?

When you log in to DAN e-Learning, it will be on your Available tab, and it is titled Continuing Education for Dive Professionals – Course 1: Liability. If you don’t see it there, let us know by email to  so we can get it into your account.

Who do I talk to if I have feedback, questions, or ideas about the content of the training.

DAN welcomes your feedback about the course and it will help us to make the training better. Please send us an email to  with your comments or questions.

My e-learning is under a different email. Can you make them match?

Yes. This is important so the system matches your training with your policy and gives you the discount. Send us an email to  and let us know the two emails and which one you want to stay active, and we can match them up.

How do I get help with my account?

Please send an email to  and we can help you out.

Is this training available in other languages?

No, we do not have translations prepared at this time.

When will the next training course come out?

DAN plans to produce about 4 courses a year so stay tuned for future course announcements.

Can our staff review the course at our team meeting?

Certainly! However, in order to get the discount, each staff member on your policy will need to go to the e-learning individually and complete the quiz at the end so our system can register completion.

How much does the course cost?

The course is free and is available to all professionals listed in our database. To take advantage of the e-learning discount, you must be a DAN World Member.   

How long will the course take to complete? 

Continuing Education for Dive Professionals – Course 1: Liability will take approximately one hour to complete.

Do my staff members have to be DAN World members?

If you have opted for the e-learning discount, you and/or your listed staff must also be DAN members.

What about staff members I hire later in the year?

New staff members can be listed anytime. However, if you have chosen the e-learning discount price, your staff will need to be members of DAN World and must also complete the e-learning training before they will be added to the group policy.

How much is the discount?

Beginning on May 7, any DAN World member will receive a 5% discount on their liability policy and an additional 5% when they have completed the continuing education course. If you are on a group professional liability policy, your completion of the e-learning may count toward a discount on the group professional liability premium.

Can I take the course after I renew and still receive the discount?

To qualify for the discount, the e-learning course must be completed before you renew your professional liability insurance policy. Refunds will not be given to professionals who renew their policy and then take the course.

Can I get the discount on my liability policy if I live outside the US?

The elearning discount is available to members of DAN RRG and DAN World insurance group. (See website for list of countries where the liability policies are available for purchase).

Service clientèle en matière de responsabilité

L'équipe de DAN World Insurance Group SP est prête à vous aider à vous protéger ou à protéger votre entreprise.  

Du lundi au vendredi de 08 h 30 à 17 h HE

FAX : +1 (919) 490-2935


Incidents et réclamations 

Rassemblez toutes les informations pertinentes et envoyez-les à DAN World Insurance Group SP. Si l'incident implique un décès ou une blessure corporelle grave, contactez-nous immédiatement.

Du lundi au vendredi de 08 h 30 à 17 h HE



Ressources sur l'assurance responsabilité civile

FAQ sur l'assurance responsabilité civile

Que faire après un incident ?

Formulaire de rapport d'incident


DAN World Insurance Group SP est une filiale à 100 % de Divers Alert Network, dont les bureaux se trouvent à l'adresse suivante : c/o Artex Risk Group, 3rd Floor, Willow House, Cricket Square, 171 Elgin Ave, P O Box 10233, Grand Cayman KY1-1002 Cayman Islands.
