Bepergian Lebih Cerdas: Pertimbangkan Cuaca
Dengan beberapa pemikiran, perlengkapan, dan persiapan, Anda tetap dapat menikmati penyelaman meskipun kondisi cuaca buruk.
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Dengan beberapa pemikiran, perlengkapan, dan persiapan, Anda tetap dapat menikmati penyelaman meskipun kondisi cuaca buruk.
Bayangkan diri Anda berada di atas perahu selam di laut biru tropis, bersiap-siap untuk menyelam bersama para ahli foto bawah air legendaris Marty Snyderman dan Michael Aw serta para master yang sangat berbakat dalam genre ini, yaitu Tanya Griffin Houppermans dan Vijay Raman.
Bersepeda adalah cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan kesehatan dan kebugaran tanpa berdampak pada tulang dan persendian Anda. Menyesuaikan waktu dan intensitasnya dapat mengakomodasi siapa saja, mulai dari pemula hingga atlet elit. Bersepeda dapat mengurangi risiko stroke, penyakit jantung, dan diabetes, serta meningkatkan kesehatan mental Anda.
Saya berusia 50 tahun dan telah mendaftar ke sekolah hukum. Saya menunggu dengan cemas untuk mendengar apakah saya diterima, jadi untuk mengalihkan perhatian saya, saya memutuskan untuk mengambil [...]
My son is on the autism spectrum and wants to learn how to scuba dive. Will his autism be a problem? Everyone with autism is unique and must be evaluated independently. There will never be an all-inclusive recommendation. First, all decisions must be made by you, properly trained dive instructors, and the physicians who are […]
MY FACE IS STARTING TO FEEL NUMB, but at least my body and toes are still warm. The way the sunlight dances through the towering kelp is enchanting, and I’m mesmerized by each brown sea nettle I see — their long, corkscrewed tentacles seem to dance in the water like ribbons in a gentle breeze. […]
PLANNING A DIVE VACATION and all the associated details can be a frustrating endeavor. The logistics of obtaining gear, arranging transportation to and from dive sites, and booking a place to stay that can accommodate your needs requires …
OXYGEN HAS LONG BEEN RECOGNIZED AS THE PRIMARY FIRST AID for scuba diving injuries, specifically decompression sickness (DCS) and arterial gas embolism (AGE). Part of DAN’s mission is to ensure that oxygen first aid equipment …
THE NEWEST EDITION OF DAN’S ANNUAL DIVING REPORT IS NOW AVAILABLE. While the release of the 2020 report was delayed, it offers fascinating insights, statistics, and case summaries of recreational dive incidents and fatalities that occurred in 2018.