Blog Penyelam

Dengan berbagai postingan tentang penyelam yang mencakup beragam topik –mulai dari dampak COVID-19 hingga pengelolaan diabetes, dan bahkan tren terkini dalam mitigasi risiko dan pertolongan pertama—penyelam dapat menemukan informasi yang mereka butuhkan agar dapat menyelam dengan aman. Keselamatan menjadi hal terpenting dalam menyelam, dan ketika penyelam telah memiliki pemahaman menyeluruh tentang potensi risiko dan masalah kesehatan, mereka akan lebih mampu mempersiapkan diri. Pada intinya, artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengarahkan penyelam agar mendapatkan pengalaman menyelam yang lebih menyenangkan, dan tentunya lebih aman.

Proper Disposal of Used Rebreather Scrubber

Sorb plays a critical role in rebreather diving, as it is responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the diver’s breathing gas. Disposing of sorb should be done thoughtfully.

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DAN’s Impact at the 2024 DEMA Show

From dive business meetings and safety training sessions to social gatherings and media initiatives, DAN’s presence at the 2024 DEMA Show supported our commitment to serving the diving community.

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Carbon Monoxide Detection Devices for Divers

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly contaminant that can enter scuba cylinders. In response to numerous cases of contaminated gas, DAN has researched CO detection products for use by the diving community.

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Medics Swap to Strengthen DAN’s Emergency Hotline

The DAN Emergency Hotline provides 24/7 emergency medical assistance to divers around the world, free of charge and regardless of DAN membership status.

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2024 AUAS/DAN Diving Medicine Scholarship

Apply for the AUAS/DAN Diving Medicine Scholarship, which provides a unique opportunity for researchers to contribute to diving medicine.

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Dive Medical Services Around the World

DAN members should be aware that there are emergency service providers who are more motivated by profit than patient well-being. People who have just experienced a dive accident are vulnerable and may not be thinking as clearly as they otherwise would be. Injured divers are rarely familiar with the local “system” for hyperbaric care and may be susceptible to advice from whoever offers it.

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Abaco Cave Diver Evacuation

Just before Christmas, a DAN member who was diving in Abaco, Bahamas, experienced an incident that resulted in decompression illness. When he contacted DAN and tried to access the benefits of his DAN membership and insurance, he did not receive the level of service he should have. Although we are still collecting information about DAN’s response to this incident, we can offer the following additional context to what was previously reported.

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Melanjutkan Pendidikan Dapat Membuat Anda Menjadi Penyelam yang Lebih Aman

Ada banyak alasan bagus untuk melanjutkan pendidikan menyelam Anda setelah kursus perairan terbuka. Pelatihan tingkat lanjut memungkinkan Anda menjelajahi lingkungan baru, memberi Anda kesempatan untuk belajar [...]

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Pengelolaan Lingkungan untuk Penyelam

Karena kami menjelajahinya, menyaksikannya, dan menjelajahinya, para penyelam memiliki apresiasi yang dalam dan mendalam terhadap lingkungan laut. Namun, seperti yang kita ketahui, lingkungan ini terancam oleh berbagai [...]

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Kulit Melengkung dan Terbang Setelah Menyelam

Cutaneous decompression sickness — also known as skin bends — manifests as bruising or mottled skin, typically on the belly, buttocks, breasts, thighs, or upper arms. In some cases, there […]

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Ajarkan Penyelam Anda Untuk Bersiap

As a dive pro, you know that divers can get injured even when they do everything right. That’s why it’s important to ensure they’re prepared for anything. On a recent […]

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Don’t Deny DCS Symptoms

Dive professionals know that decompression sickness (DCS) is a fact of life. We invest significant time and effort in preventing it. What many divers — and even many dive pros […]

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