LORS DE LA SURFACE, j'ai entendu un plongeur demander : "Qu'elles sont mignonnes ces anémones qui couvent !". Cette observation a piqué ma curiosité, car je n'avais jamais entendu parler de ce comportement, bien que j'aie passé ma vie à regarder des documentaires sur la nature et à lire des magazines de plongée.
IN THE ADAMS RIVER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, huge flows of sockeye salmon swim upstream to complete their life cycle, marked by the compelling need to return to their birthplace to spawn. Their unique journey from the ocean to their freshwater birthplace to reproduce is riddled with obstacles and dangers.
Whale sharks are easy. Basking sharks are hard. Whale sharks usually inhabit warm, tropical waters, while baskers prefer cooler, temperate regions.
I had dived in Makako Bay, Hawai’i, many times over many years without seeing a single knobby sea star. The first time I encountered one, however, it wasn’t just one, but more than a hundred of them together. They were all gone a day later, and I haven’t seen one since.
Equipment: Olympus PEN E-PL10, 14-42mm zoom lens with a wet wide-angle diopter, AOI Octo housing, two Sea & Sea YS-D3 strobesSettings: 1/50 sec, f/13, ISO 250Location: Florida Keys, Florida Smalltooth […]
A few white southern right whales are born each year, but this leucistic trait is not a permanent feature. Their coloration usually gives way to a lighter gray in adulthood, indicating they were white at birth and distinguishing them from the more common darker whales.