Safety Tips for Dive Operators and Professionals

The first step in ensuring the safety of staff, divers and the public is to develop a detailed awareness of the real risks present in all operations performed by dive businesses and professionals. DAN® has produced a brief guide for anyone responsible for safety. The guide offers an introduction to identifying and understanding 17 of the most common areas of concern. These potential incident sources highlight the kinds of considerations that need attention and help operators to better understand how they might apply this knowledge to their businesses.

diver and crew preparing for dive

Selang Tekanan Tinggi

PEOPLE WHO HAVE FILLED scuba cylinders, refilled oxygen cylinders, or boosted a gas mix are familiar with using flexible hoses. Some hoses are covered with a durable rubber or thermoplastic jacket, while others appear even sturdier with a braided stainless-steel mesh on the outside. Correctly specified hoses are rated to pressures of up to 6,000 […]

insiden dengan tangki oksigen

Pembersihan Oksigen pada Alat Selam: Seri Dua Bagian

FIRES IN COMPRESSED OXYGEN EQUIPMENT are rare, even though we hear about life-threatening accidents — a rebreather fire, an emergency oxygen regulator accident, or a gas blending system fire. Several key questions arise …

exploded oxygen cylinder

Pembersihan Oksigen pada Alat Selam: Seri Dua Bagian

IN THE PREVIOUS ARTICLE, we settled on the recommendation that equipment used to control any breathing gas mix containing 25 percent oxygen and above at typical scuba cylinder pressures should be designed and considered suitable for oxygen use. Possible debates aside, we’ll examine what oxygen cleaning means. How often should gear be oxygen cleaned, and […]


Apakah Saya Membutuhkan Oksigen Kelas Medis?

DAN INTRODUCED THE FIRST standardized emergency oxygen course for divers as lay providers in 1991. More people trained in oxygen delivery means that providers in dive locations worldwide need to have emergency oxygen units available. Obtaining oxygen refills, however, is an ongoing problem …


Jaringan Ruang Rekompresi DAN

Divers Alert Network (DAN) mengelola jaringan ruang rekompresi global, yang terdiri atas basis data semua ruang hiperbarik yang memiliki kemampuan dan kemauan untuk merawat penyelam yang cedera.

On-site chamber assessments

Katup Selam yang Tidak Cocok dengan Outlet Silinder

Ketidaksesuaian antara katup dan silinder baru-baru ini mengakibatkan hasil yang mematikan di Eropa. Masalah ini dapat dicegah dengan pelatihan formal, pelatihan khusus fungsi dan pemahaman dasar tentang katup tangki scuba dan ulir silinder.

katup scuba

Kemurnian Gas Helium: Apa yang Cukup Murni?

TIGA GAS yang umumnya digunakan dalam penyelaman rekreasi dan teknis adalah oksigen, nitrogen, dan helium. Nitrogen adalah yang paling melimpah dan biasanya merupakan gas standar, tetapi tampaknya tidak ada yang peduli dengan kemurniannya, meskipun Asosiasi Gas Terkompresi (CGA) A.S. menyediakan tingkat kemurnian, atau tingkatan, untuk berbagai aplikasi. 

Helium/Oxygen Analyzer

Praktik Terbaik untuk Mendisinfeksi Peralatan Selam

AFTER THE INITAL SCARE AND LOCKDOWNS FROM COVID-19, divers soon started to explore ways to safely get back into the water. Disinfection has always been a consideration in diving, but we needed new standards to allay fears of uncontrolled transmission of infectious diseases. 

cleaning scuba gear

Learning from the Conception

On Sept. 2, 2019, the small passenger vessel Conception burned to the waterline off Santa Cruz Island, California, killing 34 people. This wasn’t the first liveaboard fire, but the fearful reactions to this deadly tragedy echoed throughout the scuba industry. Liveaboard fires that have occurred since this incident have further fueled industry concerns.

A safety drill, including what to do in case of fire or abandoning ship, should occur at the beginning of every cruise.