FOUR SCUBA DIVERS BECAME TRAPPED and died while working in an offshore pipeline in 2022. This incident was a harsh reminder that commercial diving is a “hazardous occupation that presents many dangers that far exceed the risks in sport diving,” as highlighted in The Simple Guide to Commercial Diving. The typical risks in recreational diving, such as decompression sickness and pressure-related injuries to the ears and lungs, are still present, but commercial divers regularly face additional hazards — such as zero visibility, contaminated water, and pressure differentials — all while simultaneously operating industrial tools.
AFTER I SPENT ALMOST 20 HOURS in a hyperbaric chamber over five days, life there had grown tedious. The last 15 minutes, however, were not only exciting but highly instructive. I learned that if you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t touch anything or do anything without first asking permission.
ASK DIVERS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST what makes for a great dive, and most will agree that a wolf-eel (Anarrhichthys ocellatus) is involved. There is something about the face of an adult wolf-eel staring at you from its den that turns an ordinary dive into a great one. The specific conditions don’t matter. Cold temperatures, terrible visibility, or strong currents are easy to forget when a wolfie — as we call them locally — appears.
DI ANTARA NEW YORK DAN BOSTON terdapat HARTFORD, detak jantung Connecticut. Pengunjung yang datang ke sana dapat mengunjungi Mark Twain House, Harriet Beecher Stowe Center, dan Museum Seni Wadsworth Atheneum. Di luar kota, pepohonan dan perbukitan memberi jalan bagi air tawar dan perairan pantai yang penuh dengan kehidupan makro.
MANY JAPANESE DIVERS LOVE UNDERSEA CREATURES, particularly the home-grown varieties living in abundance along the country’s craggy volcanic coastlines and offshore islands. They also have an infatuation for the eccentric — the stranger the better.
FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS the nonprofit marine science education program known as SCUBAnauts International (SNI) has introduced young people ages 12 to 18 to informal science education through underwater exploration. While many youth organizations exist in the dive industry, this group’s scientific rather than recreational nature and its strong foundation in dive safety give SNI a unique identity.
KETIKA ANDA MEMBUTUHKANNYA, DAN akan ada di sini untuk membantu. Kami mengkoordinasikan evakuasi darurat dan menanggung biaya untuk anggota kami hingga US $ $500.000 per orang. Setiap anggota DAN berhak atas layanan darurat ini serta bantuan perjalanan, medis, hukum, dan bantuan pribadi.
DIVERS ALERT NETWORK telah menerbitkan dokumen referensi untuk mempromosikan kebugaran medis untuk menyelam sepanjang hidup penyelam. Dimaksudkan untuk digunakan oleh penyelam, penyelam profesional, dan dokter, dokumen ini menetapkan jadwal untuk kuesioner medis dan evaluasi fisik berdasarkan usia dan faktor terkait lainnya. Informasi disajikan dalam format tabel dan diagram alir untuk referensi cepat dan kemudahan penggunaan.
Dengan kebakaran hutan yang melanda Kanada, Italia, Yunani, A.S., dan tempat lainnya, para penyelam dan operator penyelaman telah menghubungi DAN Medical Services dan DAN Safety Services untuk menyampaikan kekhawatiran mereka mengenai kemungkinan asap kebakaran hutan mencemari gas pernapasan.
Namanya adalah TOKITAE, yang berarti "hari yang cerah, warna-warna yang indah" dalam bahasa Coast Salish. Bangsa Lummi mengenalnya sebagai Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut, yang merupakan referensi historis untuk daerah Penn Cove, tempat ia ditangkap bersama paus pembunuh (Orcinus orca) muda penghuni selatan lainnya pada bulan Agustus 1970 di dekat Pulau Whidbey, Washington, ketika ia berusia sekitar 4 tahun.