DAN’s Diver Participation Survey

Alana Edwards uses her smart phone to scan QR code to direct her to the DAN demographics and experience survey. © STEPHEN FRINK

Dive training agencies track the number of certifications they issue, but the number of active divers worldwide is still unverified. As dive research grows, identifying the denominator for the dive population is increasingly important. 

DAN Research tested a new survey in North Carolina last year to address this issue. They gave local dive shops a poster with a QR code linked to a short questionnaire asking for the diver’s highest certification level, the year they earned their first certificate, and how often they dive. DAN collected more than 1,200 responses last year. Those results showed the average diver’s age was 47 and that most respondents have been diving for only one year. 

DAN is now expanding participation to divers in North America, asking them to complete the survey once per calendar year. The survey takes about two minutes to complete and is open to divers 18 and older at any level. Participation is anonymous and voluntary, and DAN will not use the data collected to identify anyone. A DAN membership is not required to participate in this research. 

Shops or dive operations can request a poster with the survey QR code by emailing . If you would like to participate, visit https://redcap.link/diverrollcall_2024.

© Penyelam Siaga — Q2 2024
