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Chose du rivage

Par Allison Vitsky Sallmon

T3/Q4 2021

En plus de me permettre d'éviter le réveil au lever du soleil, la plongée sur le rivage offre d'autres libertés : le choix d'un site de plongée à la dernière minute, la possibilité d'effectuer une plongée de deux heures sans inquiéter l'équipage du bateau et la liberté d'ajouter une plongée à ma journée si les conditions le permettent. De plus, la plongée sur la plage peut s'avérer très économique par rapport à la plongée en bateau. De plus, certains des sites les plus incroyables au monde sont plus facilement accessibles depuis la plage.

Introduction à la natation sportive

T3/Q4 2021

Swimming is a noncontact physical activity that lets you be socially distant while still receiving many health benefits. Exercising in water can increase cardiac function, reduce blood pressure and improve muscle blood flow, respiratory function and brain function. Water reduces joint impact, so you can do high-intensity exercise with little to no discomfort from impact. Swimming targets your entire body and allows a greater range of motion for joints than land-based exercise. Blood flows more freely to your upper body, while the water supports you and lowers gravity’s impact.

Seeking an Octopus in the Wild

By Matthew A. Birk, Ph.D.

T3/Q4 2021

Octopuses hole up in small dens, are quite excellent at camouflage and are most active at night, so not all divers have seen one on a dive. But biologist Matthew Birk, who studies octopuses, felt that never having seen one in the wild was a blemish on his career and sought to remedy the situation on a trip to Santa Catalina Island off Southern California.

Gar Waterman : le sculpteur de limaces de mer

Par Patricia Wuest

T3/Q4 2021

Known for their striking colors, patterns and forms, nudibranchs are found in seas all over the world. Sculptor Gar Waterman’s fascination with these sea slugs extends beyond his aesthetic appreciation for their unique, organic form. Because most nudibranchs have a life span of less than a year and adapt rapidly to changes in their environment, they help scientists understand the impact of global warming on ocean health. With each nudibranch that he has cut, chiseled and polished from stone, Waterman hopes to communicate their quirky beauty and scientific role.

Célébration de l'herbe de mer

Par Shane Gross

T3/Q4 2021

On ne saurait trop insister sur les avantages de la protection des herbiers marins. Les herbiers marins purifient l'eau, contribuent à la protection contre l'érosion côtière, aident à maintenir les pêcheries à petite échelle qui soutiennent les communautés, et augmentent les populations de poissons et la biodiversité. Elle séquestre beaucoup plus de carbone par surface que les forêts terrestres et réduit l'acidification des océans. Des herbiers marins en bonne santé sont synonymes d'un océan plus sain.

Rescue Skill Modifications

By Haley Davis

T3/Q4 2021

The required skills in a rescue scenario — which involved a surface swim while providing rescue breaths and removing dive gear from the victim and rescuer — were not coming easily, especially if my dive buddy was larger than me. Techniques for rescue diving seemed suited for people with a different body type and skill set — at 5 feet, 4 inches tall, I am a petite woman. Practicing rescues was challenging at best and near-impossible at worst until a course director taught me techniques and modifications that made rescuing more accessible.

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