Un trou dans mon cœur

I HAVE BEEN A CERTIFIED DIVER since 1986 and have logged hundreds of recreational and technical dives. Since 2014 I have primarily been doing technical rebreather diving with a close group of experienced rebreather divers from Northern California. During the summer of 2019, our group visited Lake Huron’s Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in Michigan […]

Divers Jim Eckhoff and Keith Flood exit the water after diving

Construire un meilleur équilibre

LA PLONGEE SE FAIT dans un environnement dynamique, à la fois dans l'eau et hors de l'eau. Des situations difficiles et changeantes peuvent survenir même en se rendant sur un site de plongée. Les exercices d'équilibre peuvent vous aider à améliorer votre capacité à maintenir ou à retrouver votre stabilité sur un bateau qui tangue. Le port d'un équipement de plongée modifie la répartition du poids et le centre de [...]

Low-Visibility Diving

WEATHER, SILTY SEDIMENT, time of day, or water movement are just a few natural factors among the range of possible causes that can influence the visibility at your dive site. Low-visibility diving can be quite enjoyable, but it depends on the circumstances and your comfort level. Why do people dive in low-visibility environments? Some divers, […]

Laryngospasme et anxiété

Q : Lors d'un entraînement à la plongée en piscine, je n'arrivais plus à respirer après avoir dégagé mon masque avec mon détendeur dans la bouche. Après être remonté à la surface, j'ai pris six à huit respirations sifflantes, puis j'ai pu respirer à nouveau normalement. Il est possible que j'aie inhalé de l'eau pendant l'exercice, mais mon instructeur et moi-même ne nous souvenons pas du moment ni de la manière dont cela se serait produit.

médecin consultant un patient au sujet de sa commotion cérébrale

Tuyaux haute pression

PEOPLE WHO HAVE FILLED scuba cylinders, refilled oxygen cylinders, or boosted a gas mix are familiar with using flexible hoses. Some hoses are covered with a durable rubber or thermoplastic jacket, while others appear even sturdier with a braided stainless-steel mesh on the outside. Correctly specified hoses are rated to pressures of up to 6,000 […]

incident with oxygen tanks

Titan rencontre Titanic

STOCKTON RUSH AND HIS TEAM AT OCEANGATE made history on July 10, 2021, when they reached the Titanic — at a depth of approximately 12,500 feet — in Titan, the only submersible of its kind. The dive proved that this unique cylinder-shaped, carbon fiber and titanium five-person submersible can explore this wreck and was a […]


Pool Operation: Know Before You Go

WHEN IT COMES TO THE OCEAN, we know when to go and when to stay away. If it is standard practice to check conditions before a dive, shouldn’t we ask […]

woman swimming in the pool

Short but Beautiful Lives

MY FELLOW DIVERS WERE ECSTATIC AFTER A TWILIGHT DIVE on the Okinawa wreck near Pompano, Florida, in early June 2019. I was shooting wide angle and hadn’t paid much attention to small creatures during the dive, but they had found the holy grail for macro photographers: nudibranchs — in this case, regal sea goddesses (Felimare […]

sea goddess

Plus qu'une épaule douloureuse

I REMEMBER SITTING AT MY COMPUTER while thinking about all the ibuprofen I had been popping for the past 18 hours and wondering why I still had the dull, aching pain in my shoulder. Could this be more than soreness from carrying gear back and forth from our shore entry point or exertion from a […]

hyperbaric chamber

A Sense of Purpose

Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona Years Diving: 34 Favorite Dive Destination: Little Cayman is special because of the conservation work our team has done through the Grouper Moon Project and the time I’ve spent there […]
