Le SAD à Cozumel

Our checkout dive was easy, with a maximum depth of 75 feet for 50 minutes. The current was slight, and the visibility was spectacular — an ideal first dive. It closed with a nice, slow ascent and a three-minute safety stop. When we returned to the boat, I felt a sudden tingling in my right foot followed by a dull ache in my knee. I assumed the worst, thinking I had decompression sickness (DCS). When I reviewed the dive in my mind, however, that seemed impossible.

Staff monitors and communicate with patients at the Costamed chamber.

Un trou dans mon cœur

I HAVE BEEN A CERTIFIED DIVER since 1986 and have logged hundreds of recreational and technical dives. Since 2014 I have primarily been doing technical rebreather diving with a close group of experienced rebreather divers from Northern California. During the summer of 2019, our group visited Lake Huron’s Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in Michigan […]

Divers Jim Eckhoff and Keith Flood exit the water after diving

Erreurs et mauvaises décisions 

I WAS ON A TRIP TO TULAMBEN to dive the Liberty wreck for three days. The first day was recreational dives followed by two days of technical diving. I had a cold and sinusitis leading up to the trip, but the conditions had cleared up …

Pas de déni

HAVING DONE THOUSANDS OF DIVES since I started in 1964, primarily off the coast of North Carolina, the shipwrecks and dive profiles there are familiar. Overall conditions couldn’t have been much better on this particular day — calm, clear seas with barely a current. We planned on two reverse profile decompression dives at an offshore […]

diver with a school of fish

Le voyage d'une vie

IN 2018 AND 2019, MY HUSBAND AND I traveled to 50 locations in 35 countries over 14 continuous months, spending more than 250 hours underwater to research a dive travel guidebook for National Geographic.


Paralysé à Grenade

I was 50 years old and had applied to law school. I was anxiously waiting to hear if I had been accepted, so to distract myself I decided to take […]

diver at the surface in distress

Jambe cassée à Bonaire

Alors qu'elle se rendait du camion à l'entrée d'un site de plongée à Bonaire, ma femme, Deborah, s'est coincé le pied sous une racine et a fait une hyperextension de la jambe en se dégageant. Tombant au sol, elle s'est exclamée qu'elle s'était cassé le genou.

la jambe cassée a nécessité deux plaques et neuf vis

Une ascension inconsciente

WHILE DESCENDING ON OUR SECOND DIVE, I was at around 60 feet when I unexpectedly started ascending rapidly to the surface.

woman scuba diving

Je ne l'avais pas vu venir

MON MARI, BARRY, ET MOI avons passé nos brevets de plongée à Cozumel, au Mexique, en 1994, et depuis lors, c'est l'une de nos destinations préférées. Nous avons passé trois semaines à y plonger pendant l'été 2001, en suivant notre routine qui consiste à courir, faire de l'exercice et plonger deux fois par jour. 

Dr. Dario Gomez and some of his staff at the Costamed hyperbaric chamber

Guérir sans s'inquiéter

AFTER I SPENT ALMOST 20 HOURS in a hyperbaric chamber over five days, life there had grown tedious. The last 15 minutes, however, were not only exciting but highly instructive. I learned that if you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t touch anything or do anything without first asking permission.

treatment in the hyperbaric chamber