Plongeurs démonstrateurs

La plupart des gens connaissent l'importance historique du jour J, ce jour tristement célèbre où les forces alliées ont débarqué sur les côtes de l'Europe occidentale le 6 juin 1944.

Few people, however, know the story of the men who went into these enemy waters before them. Armed with nothing but a mask, fins, and a knife …

Le dernier voyage

IT IS MAY 1940, AND GERMANY HAS BEEN AT WAR WITH THE UNITED KINGDOM for more than eight months. Tensions are high across western Europe. It appears inevitable that Italy, under the fascist government of Benito Mussolini, will enter the war aligned with Germany. In Naples, Capt. Lorenzo Muiesan of Italy’s SS Umbria, a maritime […]

Dean Hollis : une passion pour l'eau et l'impact sur les vies

DEAN HOLLIS, FOUNDER OF SWIM AND DIVE RETAILER DIVENTURES, grew up in Lakeland, Florida, as a third-generation Floridian. “I spent the first 22 years of my life in Florida, where I pretty much lived in the water,” …

Dépêche DAN : Nouveau rapport annuel sur la plongée disponible

THE NEWEST EDITION OF DAN’S ANNUAL DIVING REPORT IS NOW AVAILABLE. While the release of the 2020 report was delayed, it offers fascinating insights, statistics, and case summaries of recreational dive incidents and fatalities that occurred in 2018.


Voyager intelligemment : la sécurité dans les centres de plongée

PLANNING A DIVE VACATION and all the associated details can be a frustrating endeavor. The logistics of obtaining gear, arranging transportation to and from dive sites, and booking a place to stay that can accommodate your needs requires …



Nous avons tous vu des images tragiques d'animaux marins souffrant, empêtrés dans des lignes de monofilament ou d'autres débris marins.

démêler une baleine franche de l'Atlantique Nord

Baie de Monterey

Le sanctuaire marin national de la baie de Monterey (MBNMS) abrite l'un des environnements marins côtiers les plus diversifiés du monde sur le plan écologique.

loutre de mer du sud avec crabe