Chuck Davis: Warna Biru dalam Hitam dan Putih

Sekelompok ikan rockfish biru tampak siluet di bawah kanopi hutan rumput laut raksasa di Hopkins Reef di Monterey Bay dekat Pacific Grove, California. Chuck Davis mengabadikan gambar ini menggunakan kamera film format medium Contax 645 dengan lensa sudut lebar Zeiss 35mm dalam wadah khusus, yang mengintegrasikan port koreksi asferis yang besar.

Saya mengenal fotografi Chuck Davis jauh sebelum saya bertemu dengannya, jadi mewawancarainya mengungkapkan banyak informasi yang menarik. Salah satu hal yang paling mengejutkan yang saya pelajari adalah bahwa Chuck memotret pada film semua gambar hitam-putih yang ditampilkan di sini, dan memproses serta mencetaknya di kamar gelap.

Dia terkenal sebagai ahli fotografi hitam-putih bawah air, tetapi saya berasumsi bahwa dia memotret secara digital dan mengubah filenya menjadi hitam-putih di Lightroom atau Photoshop. Alat-alat digital telah menjadi standar, bahkan untuk penggemar lama (seperti saya) yang memulai dengan jari-jari yang menguning akibat fixer dan bau pengembang kertas Dektol yang masih tersisa di hidung. Davis adalah seorang tradisionalis yang bersemangat, yang berbeda dengan seorang Luddite, seperti yang dengan cepat dia tunjukkan.   

Davis memotret dengan Contax 645 format medium dan lensa sudut lebar Zeiss 35mm. Dia merancang rumah khusus yang dirancang dan diproduksi oleh kenalannya di industri film di California. Memotret dengan format 645 memungkinkannya melakukan 16 eksposur pada gulungan film 120 dan 32 eksposur pada gulungan film 220. Hanya memiliki 32 eksposur per penyelaman membutuhkan filosofi pencitraan yang berbeda dari kapasitas yang hampir tak terbatas yang kita miliki dengan digital. Dia melihat peluang fotografinya secara berbeda dan karena itu dia harus lebih berhati-hati dan disiplin dalam setiap klik rana. 

hiu putih besar (Carcharodon carcharias)
Despite their razor-sharp teeth, I find great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) to be beautiful objects of art. I photographed this individual at Guadalupe Island, Mexico. I was shooting from a surface cage and watched through my viewfinder as this massive great white swam slowly but directly at my lens. Each of the three or four frames of the shark approaching was more dramatic than the last. This shot is the final frame. Before I could trip my shutter again, this powerful and curious creature bumped my lens shade and knocked me to the other side of the cage. I didn’t take the bump personally; I figured the shark was just curious and perhaps distracted by its reflection in my oversized camera port before it could activate its brakes. ©CHUCK DAVIS

Film pilihannya adalah Kodak T-Max, yang ia proses sesuai dengan kisaran cahaya pada hari pemotretan. Ia mungkin memotret di hutan rumput laut, misalnya, di mana detail bayangan sangat penting dan sorotan yang dapat digunakan tampak terkendali. Karena mengetahui bahwa ia bisa mengendalikan kontras dalam pengembangan, Davis memastikan untuk memberikan pencahayaan yang memadai ke area bayangan yang dalam. Ia mungkin memprosesnya secara berbeda jika ia memutuskan untuk membidik pada sudut ke atas dengan semburat cahaya matahari yang mendominasi komposisinya. 

After processing the negative, he loads the film carrier into his Ilford enlarger, which has a compensating head designed specifically for black and white. His paper of choice is Ilford variable contrast fiber paper; he chooses the contrast grade that will best complement the subject. Sometimes he’ll use exotic techniques such as split printing, in which he renders shadows and highlights separately. 

Davis recycles his chemicals to reduce his carbon footprint and no longer uses running water when printing. Instead, he employs a special rinse aid before bathing his prints in his archival washer, significantly reducing wash time and conserving resources. He says of his darkroom, “It is my happy place. As long as they keep making film, I’ll keep using it.”

segerombolan jelatang laut Pasifik (Chrysaora fuscescens)
This image features a swarm of Pacific sea nettles (Chrysaora fuscescens) that I photographed at the Point Lobos State Marine Reserve off Carmel, California. I was doing a deep technical dive with my friend, Capt. Phil Sammet, at a site called Outer Bluefish Pinnacle. The dive went smoothly, but we swam into a thick layer of sea nettles between 40 and 20 feet during our ascent. After finishing our decompression, I lingered at 20 feet and marveled at the spectacle surrounding me. As I photographed them, my imagination overcame me. I couldn’t help but sense that the bells on these delicate pelagic drifters resembled parachutes pulsating in the current, which felt like an undersea wind. ©CHUCK DAVIS
Fotografer bawah air Chuck Davis
Underwater photographer Chuck Davis prepares to freedive off the southern coast of Monterey Bay near Point Pinos, Pacific Grove, California, with his custom Contax 645 medium-format film camera and Zeiss 35mm wide-angle lens and large aspherical correction port. ©COLE DAVIS

Born in 1954 in Bangor, Maine, Davis became an island boy at age 5, when his father became principal of Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School in Massachusetts. His mother was a nurse at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. The island was very rural then, and Davis grew up with the smell of salt air rolling in from the North Atlantic. The ocean was a living thing that he experienced through freediving and spearfishing. He had a paper route that funded occasional purchases of dive gear, such as blue Voit fins to match those Mike Nelson wore in Perburuan Lautmeskipun terlihat abu-abu dalam acara televisi hitam-putih.

Wawancara tentang documents those early years, including his early photographic inspiration: “[A] year or so after learning to scuba dive … [I] took up underwater photography very seriously. I was motivated by the amazing images I had viewed on TV via Lloyd Bridges’ Perburuan Laut dan Dunia Bawah Laut Jacques Cousteau and still photos I had seen in Cousteau’s books such as Dunia yang Sunyi dan Dunia Tanpa Matahari — and the wonderful images I had seen in a book called Kamera Di Bawah by Paul Tzimoulis and Hank Frey … and of course the photographs I would see each month in Penyelam Kulit magazine.”

Davis’ first underwater camera was a Nikonos II with a 35mm lens, which he purchased in 1968 for $160. With rolls of Tri-X film and a Sekonic light meter, he shot using available light and learned by trial and error. His high school had a darkroom, and he learned the complexities of the Zone System, developing the skills to manipulate the negative and the print. He went to the Boston Sea Rovers annual shows and absorbed all he could from the underwater photography workshops. 

Sekumpulan besar pari mobula (Mobula monkiana)
A massive school of mobula rays (Mobula monkiana) swims in unison approximately 20 feet below the ocean’s surface in the southern Sea of Cortez, several miles north of La Paz, Mexico. Mobula rays form huge schools there between April and July and from November through January. I photographed this image on a dive trip where we encountered these large schools every day, usually early in the morning and again late in the afternoon. While freediving with these amazing creatures, I photographed them from many angles, but I found the dorsal view that accentuated the rays’ winglike repetitive patterns the most captivating. From this point of view, the rays seemed avian, like a beautiful, gentle, and graceful flock of bats. ©CHUCK DAVIS
Sekelompok lumba-lumba hidung botol Pasifik (Tursiops aduncus)
I encountered this pod of Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) while freediving several miles off Santa Catalina Island, California. A friend had invited me out that day to document this pod while he did dolphin census work. He had encountered this group many times before and named them F pod (F for friendly). When we saw them, we shut down the boat, drifted, and entered the water at a distance. As my friend predicted, they soon zoomed in to greet us. I sensed they were fascinated with my camera’s motor drive sound, which resembled their whistles and clicks. Some seemed intrigued by their reflection in my camera housing’s dome port. It was a magical encounter that was so brief it seemed like a dream. The dolphins quickly sated their curiosity about us and disappeared into the blue. ©CHUCK DAVIS

By college age he was using Kodachrome film and a strobe and wanted to go to the Brooks Institute of Photography, the nation’s premier photo education facility. His dad contended that he needed a real job to fall back on, so he attended the University of Massachusetts Amherst and earned a bachelor’s degree in fisheries biology. His fisheries department advisor asked him what he wanted to do now that he had his degree, and his answer was to go to the Brooks Institute and be an underwater photographer.

With his worldly goods loaded into his Volkswagen Super Beetle, Davis headed west. He met Ernie Brooks soon after enrolling. Brooks’ dad had founded the school, and Ernie had already gained acclaim for his underwater black-and-white photography. Their first collaboration was a documentary film spanning a year of going out on Brooks’ boat with cinematographer Louis Prezelin. It was an amazing apprenticeship, and Davis also met Mal Wolfe during that time. Wolfe brought him into the world of IMAX cinematography just as Prezelin had provided the early introduction that led him to his work with the Cousteau Society.

sekumpulan ikan karang biru (Sebastes mystinus)
Sometimes on a clear, sunny day in a giant kelp forest, it feels like being in an underwater cathedral. I photographed this school of blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) at a site known as Cannery Point in the Point Lobos State Marine Reserve. When I first encountered this large school, I was tempted to compose the scene in a horizontal format. As I prepared for the shot, I shifted my camera into a vertical position. I realized my lens’ wide-angle barreling effect made the kelp stalks resemble Gothic arches, like those from a medieval church. I was shooting a silhouette into bright sunlight, so I had to be careful to get adequate exposure in the shadows. I overexposed the image a wee bit and controlled the highlights when I processed my film. ©CHUCK DAVIS
Anjing laut pelabuhan Pasifik (Phoca vitulina richardii)
This Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) had followed me during a freedive at Sea Palm Reef (also known as Otter Cove) on the southern coast of Monterey Bay, off Pacific Grove, California. When I decided to rest and breathe on the surface, this friendly fellow did the same, allowing me to take its portrait. I’ve had harbor seals follow me on many of my photographic excursions at this reef. It is about a half mile from my home. When you make eye contact, these curious critters will sometimes retreat and hide in the kelp stalks, but some will swim right up to you, stare into your camera, and even gnaw on your fins as if they were chew toys. ©CHUCK DAVIS
pelepah rumput laut banteng muda (Nereocystis luetkeana)
I photographed this very young bull kelp frond (Nereocystis luetkeana) at the Point Lobos State Marine Reserve off Carmel, California. When I descended to the kelp forest floor that day, I anticipated photographing some of the many harbor seals in the area. Instead, this young strand of bull kelp sprouting from the seabed directly below our dive boat immediately captivated me. The ocean surface was glassy that day, but there was still a noticeable wave surge at depth. The waves’ orbital motion energized the bull kelp and its blades, which seemed to dance before my eyes. My subject took on an anthropomorphic quality: a faceless mermaid or perhaps Medusa’s head. The rhythm felt musical, and I spent my whole dive photographing this dancing bull kelp and never saw a single harbor seal. ©CHUCK DAVIS

Davis started as a volunteer cameraman with the Cousteaus. Davis was only loading cameras and pulling focus, but he was working with Jacques Cousteau and his son Jean-Michel. While it didn’t last forever, he stayed in touch over the next five years, hoping they would hire him. Meanwhile, he joined the special effects industry in Hollywood, where he learned new skills and banked some money. When the Cousteaus launched their expedition ship Alcyonemereka mengundang Davis untuk bergabung dengan 13 orang kru mereka. Kadang-kadang dia akan bekerja di bagian Calypso as well. Davis still remembers his time with Jacques at the helm as his dream job. For the next 20 years Davis freelanced for the Cousteau Society and Jean-Michel’s Ocean Futures Society.

For all his cinematography work, stills — particularly black and white — remained his personal passion. It is logical that someone immersed in the art of black-and-white photography would be familiar with the images and words of Ansel Adams. Davis paraphrases Adams describing two kinds of photographic work in a documentary: assignments from without and assignments from within. The former are for-hire assignments to pay the bills, and the latter are self-assignments to satisfy your inner desire. 

Davis has done plenty of self-assigned work, much of it on California’s central coast. He agrees with scientists who consider the West Coast the “Serengeti of the Eastern Pacific.” The stretch from his backyard — Monterey Bay to Carmel Bay, points south such as Point Lobos, and the northern reaches of Big Sur — provide constant inspiration. He will venture as far south as Baja California and considers this whole stretch of reef and its adjacent pelagic environment as one interconnected, living organism.  

teman lama dan rekan menyelam Kapten Phil Sammet
In this image, my longtime friend and dive partner Capt. Phil Sammet descends into a forest of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) at the Carmel Pinnacles State Marine Reserve in Carmel Bay, California. Giant kelp forests are a world of dramatic shadows that work well for black-and-white photography. Giant kelp is the world’s largest marine algae species, and the kelp stalks can grow to more than 100 feet. Buoyed by small gas sacs (pneumatocysts), the kelp forms a thick canopy that shades the reef below. Diving in a giant kelp forest gives me the feeling of being in a submerged stand of sequoias. It’s hard to appreciate how huge these kelp stalks are without some size reference. Here Phil’s silhouette lends scale to the expanse of this magnificent reef. I’m very thankful it is a marine reserve. ©CHUCK DAVIS
foto close-up ujung apikal rumput laut raksasa (Macrocystis pyrifera)
I took this close-up of the apical tip of a giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) stalk at Santa Rosa Island, part of the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary in California. I was diving with Ernie Brooks after he had kindly invited me for a reunion trip on his boat. He generously helped me refine my black-and-white underwater photography technique. He convinced me to leave my strobes on the boat for the first dive and shoot with available light. I discovered this strand of kelp in shallow water as we began our descent, and suddenly the kelp started to glow in my camera’s eyepiece, and I clicked my shutter. I realized when I looked up that Ernie had opened a small hole in the kelp canopy and lit my subject for me. Thank you, Ernie! ©CHUCK DAVIS
sekumpulan ikan sarden di Laut Cortez
I photographed this school of sardines in the Sea of Cortez at Isla Las Ánimas, Baja California, Mexico. The sardines were swarming all over the reef as sea lions and bigger fish were attempting to feed on them. Even though the school had thousands of individual fish, it was morphing and reacting to various predators like one huge organism with a single mind and nervous system. We stayed at this site for several hours and photographed late into the day, nursing the last lumens of light until the sun was almost set. At one point some larger chub fish darted into the middle of the school, and it reacted by creating a hole that looked like a spiraling vortex. For just a couple of seconds I was looking into a tunnel of sardines, and I clicked the shutter. ©CHUCK DAVIS
kelompok hiu karang sirip putih (Triaenodon obesus) yang sedang "tidur"
I photographed this group of “sleeping” whitetip reef sharks (Triaenodon obesus) on the steep relief of a deep volcanic reef ledge at Roca Partida, an island pinnacle in the Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico. It was a memorable dive trip in 2018 with a group of wonderful friends to celebrate Ernie Brooks’ 83rd birthday. Whitetip reef sharks are nocturnal and tend to sleep or quiesce in caves and reef ledges during the day. The intriguing repetitive patterns of the sharks’ white-tipped fins against their charcoal-gray bodies caught my eye. The lighting was dim on this reef ledge, but I captured the image with that bit of available light. This image serves as my visual statement that shark fins belong on living sharks, not in soup. ©CHUCK DAVIS

Davis spends most of his time on any given dive just looking and absorbing the range of light. He doesn’t swim around a lot but finds nice backdrops and waits for a subject to appear, whether it’s a jellyfish or a harbor seal in the kelp. He’s fortunate to live in an area where traditional darkrooms still abound. There seems to be a renaissance of interest in darkroom techniques, and schools are teaching them again. A jazz music aficionado, Davis will spend hours alone in the darkroom with Miles Davis piping through the speakers and only a GraLab timer to measure the passage of time. It is the antithesis of a frenetic digital workflow, and the discipline, craftsmanship, and vision are evident in every print.  

His fine art prints have been in special exhibitions by the Ansel Adams Gallery, the Christopher Bell Collection Gallery, the Center for Photographic Art, and the Brooks Institute. His work is also included in the Mariners’ Museum, and he is the author and photographer of Terumbu Karang California yang diterbitkan oleh Chronicle Books. Penghargaan filmnya meliputi pembuatan film pada beberapa film IMAX, termasuk Cincin Api (pemandangan lava bawah air), Paus: Perjalanan yang Tak TerlupakanTempat TerhebatPerjalanan yang Menakjubkandan Mencari Hiu Besardan dua film IMAX yang masuk nominasi Academy Award, Alaska: Semangat Alam Liar dan Laut yang Hidup (underwater/marine scenes of Monterey Bay). You can see Davis’ work at

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