Divers Alert Network has partnered with DAN Business Members to offer short-term dive accident coverage providing emergency medical assistance and dive accident medical coverage helping safeguard you throughout your dive trip. Explore with confidence knowing DAN World is with you.
Ask your dive operator if they offer the following short-term dive accident plans.
Resumen de la cobertura
Coverage applies only for injuries arising from a diving accident.
Transporte y asistencia médica de urgencia
Limit US$150,000
Emergency Evacuation – If you have a diving accident and local medical care is unavailable, DAN World will arrange and pay for transportation from the place where the accident occurs to the nearest hospital or medical facility where appropriate medical evaluation, treatment and care can be obtained.
Traslado médicamente necesario - Si, después de haber sido tratado por un accidente de buceo se determina que la atención médicamente necesaria no está disponible localmente, DAN World organizará y pagará el transporte a un hospital o centro médico diferente para recibir más atención, tratamiento o evaluación.
Cobertura médica por accidentes de buceo
Limit US$125,000 LT
Si sufre un accidente de buceo, DAN World pagará los gastos razonables y habituales de la atención médica necesaria, incluidos los tratamientos en cámara hiperbárica, honorarios médicos, gastos de ambulancia, gastos hospitalarios, gastos de suministros médicos y otros gastos cubiertos relacionados con su tratamiento.
LT = Lifetime Maximum
Desmembramiento y muerte accidental
Hasta USD 10 000
En caso de fallecimiento como consecuencia de un accidente de buceo, DAN World pagará una indemnización por fallecimiento de US$10.000. En caso de desmembramiento, DAN World pagará la pérdida basándose en la Tabla de Pérdidas de la póliza.
Repatriación de restos mortales
Up to US$10,000 sublimit
Si fallece como consecuencia de un accidente de buceo, DAN World organizará y pagará el traslado de sus restos mortales a su domicilio para su entierro. Los gastos cubiertos incluyen embalsamamiento, incineración, autorizaciones gubernamentales necesarias, ataúdes y transporte.
Transporte/alojamiento extra
Hasta USD 1000
If you are delayed in returning home following a diving accident on the written advice of a physician, DAN World will pay up to US$1,000 for each any necessary extra transportation or extra accommodations.
Asistencia mundial 24 horas
The DAN Global Emergency Hotline, medical information specialists are available 24-hours per day to provide you with assistance and consultation when you suffer a covered diving accident.
View the Certificate of Insurance for complete policy details.
En caso de emergencia
Requisito de notificación
Si enferma o se lesiona, debe dirigirse inmediatamente al centro médico de urgencias más cercano. En caso de accidente o lesión cubiertos por esta póliza, debes ponerte en contacto inmediatamente con DAN World para confirmar la cobertura y obtener una garantía de pago por los servicios médicos que se vayan a prestar. Si existen circunstancias que le impidan ponerse en contacto con DAN World inmediatamente, debe notificar a DAN World tan pronto como sea posible dadas las circunstancias.
Llame al +1 (919) 684-9111
In the event of a diving accident, you should immediately contact DAN’s Emergency Hotline at +1 (919) 684-9111. This service is staffed 24/7/365 by qualified DAN physicians and other medical professionals who can provide emergency assistance. Worldwide collect calls are accepted. Click here for a list of our language specific hotlines.
For non-emergency medical questions, please call +1 (919) 684-2948
Medical inquiries online: Consulte a un médico
Cómo presentar una reclamación
You must give DAN World written notice of a claim within 180 days after a covered loss occurs. To submit a claim, obtain claim forms or request additional information on how to report a claim, please contact:
AGI — Claims
c/o DAN Services, Inc.
6 West Colony Place
Durham, NC 27705 EE.UU.
Phone: +1 (919) 493-0912
Preguntas frecuentes
Who is eligible for DAN World’s short-term dive-accident coverage?
All certified divers, divers in training, freedivers and freedivers in training between the ages of 8 and 70.
Are there any restrictions based on depth, equipment or gas mix?
How long does it take to process an application?
Once your dive shop enrolls you and submits payment, your coverage is confirmed and effective beginning on the indicated start date. Confirmation of coverage will be emailed to you.
Is this coverage valid if the diver is traveling to multiple countries?
Sí. La
Does DAN World short-term coverage replace travel insurance?
No, short-term dive-accident coverage offers different benefits than travel insurance.
Diver Enrollment
How do I enroll?
Check with your dive shop to see if they already sell the DAN short-term dive accident coverage as only they can enroll you. If not, ask them to contact DAN World to join as short-term partners to sell this program.
Will I receive a policy number?
No, once enrolled, your name and date of birth are the only information required to confirm short-term coverage.
Can a policy be cancelled?
If an error is made and coverage dates have not yet started, you may request cancellation by contacting your dive shop.
Additional Help
What do I do in the event of a dive accident or illness?
Activate your emergency action plan first and then call the DAN Emergency Hotline: +1 919 684 9111 (English) or +52 557 100 0540 (Spanish).
You can also connect to the DAN Emergency Hotline via one of our local numbers (at the cost of a local call): 021 5085 8719 (within Indonesia), 015 4600 0109 (within Malaysia), 02 8231 3601 (within Philippines), 1800 01 8092 (within Thailand).
Help! My question has not been addressed here.
The DAN World team is ready to assist you. Please send us an email at or call +61-3-9886-9166 for the Asia Pacific area or or call +52.331.046.9389 for the Latin America/Caribbean area.
If you have any questions or need more information regarding DAN World Short Term Dive Accident Coverage, contact the DAN World team.
DAN World es su asociación de seguridad en el buceo