
WHILE THE WORLD WAS STILL MOSTLY LOCKED DOWN with travel restrictions, my social media feed was alive with gorgeous photos from the Maldives. The Maldives opened sooner than most foreign dive destinations, so there was ample photographic inspiration for our trip in May. The online coverage included the whale sharks, manta rays, tiger sharks, and […]

penyelam dengan pari manta

Pulau Cocos

“Pura vida!” our dive guide, Sergio, exclaimed with a relaxed smile. Eight dive buddies, Sergio, and I just had an incredible experience: A 35-foot-long whale shark swam a few feet over our heads at one of the better-known dive sites at Cocos Island, Costa Rica. It silently came and went, seemingly carefree, like a giant spotted apparition sliding out of sight into the deep blue.


Just before sunrise I make a cup of strong Indonesian tea and feel the familiar rush of anticipation that always builds when I dive where no one else has. From the liveaboard’s top deck I squint at a string of islands— just green dots from here — that stretch offshore from the Fakfak Regency …

Teluk Triton

TRITON BAY, INDONESIA, was one of the last places I visited before the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Looking back, part of me wishes I would have been there instead of at home when the world turned upside down and international dive travel became almost impossible. An extended sabbatical in the middle of bustling hordes of fish […]



During the pandemic I asked my partner, David Doubilet, a question: “If you had one full year to dive in one country, what country would it be?” I thought he might need some time to consider, given he has spent five decades documenting the sea for National Geographic.

Ikan kalajengking Rhinopias dengan cahaya latar

Menyelam bebas Polinesia Prancis

Kronologi kunjungan terakhir saya ke Polinesia Prancis jauh lebih lama daripada waktu tempuh dari Seattle, Washington, ke ibu kota Papeʻete di pulau Tahiti.

Pemandangan dari atas dari Moorea

Membuat Avatar: Jalan Air

Upon its release in December 2022, Avatar: The Way of Water drew huge attention from the dive community for its remarkable underwater scenes.

Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) pilots the skimwing

Seni Sejarah Penyelaman

Lautan yang tidak dikenal selalu menjadi lahan subur bagi mitologi, dan lautan telah lama menginspirasi legenda dan kisah-kisah dewa dan monster.

Les Burke mengenakan hardhat dan setelan jas Mark V lengkap

Fjord Norwegia

Bepergian melintasi fjord dan sungai selalu menjadi bagian penting dalam kehidupan di Norwegia dan Skandinavia. Menyaksikan keindahan matahari terbenam dari kursi barisan depan di fjord atau mengejar cahaya utara saat mereka menari di malam musim gugur dan musim dingin yang gelap adalah pengalaman yang tidak boleh dilewatkan. Menemukan apa yang tersembunyi di bawah permukaan gelap di alam bawah laut yang tak terduga di sini juga sama menariknya bagi pengunjung yang memilih untuk menyelam di Norwegia.

Penyelam scuba dengan ubur-ubur Helm

Ningaloo Reef

Sebuah bentang alam yang luar biasa terletak di pantai barat Australia, di mana pedalaman yang merah bertemu dengan warna-warni biru Samudra Hindia. Tempat ajaib ini adalah Ningaloo Reef, atau Nyinggulu dalam bahasa Aborigin setempat.

paus bungkuk