
The seven days in the Galápagos went by too quickly, and I was ready to come back before I had even left. The Galápagos National Park and the tour operators greatly respect the destination, and conservation is their primary goal. Even with all the protections in place, the fishing industry, climate change and ocean health pressure the archipelago. Every tourist dollar that goes into the Galápagos adds persuasive emphasis that this is a place that deserves ongoing and stringent protection.

hammerhead shark

Raksasa Lembut Tonga

Humpback whales feed in polar waters during the summer and then migrate to tropical or subtropical waters to breed during winter. Various locations offer seasonal whale-watching, but swimming with them is legal in only a few places — Tonga is one of them. Every year its warm and sheltered waters provide a nursery for the whales, which gather there between July and October after a long migration from Antarctica.

mother humpback whale supports her calf

Memanggil Penyelaman

Calling a dive is not as easy as just giving the thumbs-up signal. There are steps to follow after the signal to cancel a dive. The dive briefing should cover these procedures, and the greater the dive’s potential risk, the more attention to detail the procedures and briefing should have to make calling the dive happen as safely as possible.

diver using a safety sausage

DAN DISPATCH: Magang Penelitian Musim Panas DAN

Lebih dari 100 peserta magang selama lebih dari 20 tahun telah berpartisipasi dalam program magang DAN, bekerja dengan para mentor yang sudah mapan di bidang penelitian, mitigasi risiko, atau kedokteran untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman profesional yang berharga sambil berkontribusi pada operasi DAN. Tahun ini, lima peserta magang melakukan perjalanan ke Durham, North Carolina, untuk berpartisipasi dalam program ini.



You are on the boat after a great dive when a buddy team surfaces, and one of them calls out for help. The boat crew helps get the distressed diver on board. Would you know what to do next? Whatever your level of dive training, or even if you are a nondiver dealing with an incident on land, DAN’s first aid training can help you know what to do and how to do it.

DAN first aid training

Modifikasi Keterampilan Penyelamatan

The required skills in a rescue scenario — which involved a surface swim while providing rescue breaths and removing dive gear from the victim and rescuer — were not coming easily, especially if my dive buddy was larger than me. Techniques for rescue diving seemed suited for people with a different body type and skill set — at 5 feet, 4 inches tall, I am a petite woman. Practicing rescues was challenging at best and near-impossible at worst until a course director taught me techniques and modifications that made rescuing more accessible.

rescue skills training

LEBIH CERDAS: Penundaan Dokumen Perjalanan

It’s been more than a year since many divers have traveled internationally and visited beloved or new dive destinations. Although it is unclear when and which international destinations will be fully accessible, it’s important to stay proactive about important travel documentation preparation.


Merayakan Lamun

Manfaat melindungi lamun tidak dapat dilebih-lebihkan. Lamun memurnikan air, membantu melindungi dari erosi pantai, membantu mempertahankan perikanan skala kecil yang mendukung masyarakat, serta meningkatkan populasi ikan dan keanekaragaman hayati. Lamun menyerap lebih banyak karbon per area daripada hutan darat dan mengurangi pengasaman laut. Lamun yang sehat berarti laut yang lebih sehat.

hiu kepala topi

Gar Waterman: Pemahat Siput Laut

Known for their striking colors, patterns and forms, nudibranchs are found in seas all over the world. Sculptor Gar Waterman’s fascination with these sea slugs extends beyond his aesthetic appreciation for their unique, organic form. Because most nudibranchs have a life span of less than a year and adapt rapidly to changes in their environment, they help scientists understand the impact of global warming on ocean health. With each nudibranch that he has cut, chiseled and polished from stone, Waterman hopes to communicate their quirky beauty and scientific role.

sea slug sculpture

Mencari Gurita di Alam Liar

Gurita bersarang di sarang kecil, sangat pandai berkamuflase dan paling aktif pada malam hari, sehingga tidak semua penyelam pernah melihatnya saat menyelam. Tetapi ahli biologi Matthew Birk, yang mempelajari gurita, merasa bahwa tidak pernah melihat gurita di alam liar merupakan noda dalam kariernya dan berusaha memperbaiki situasi ini dalam perjalanan ke Pulau Santa Catalina di lepas pantai California Selatan.
