Pelajari Selengkapnya expand_more SEGARKAN PERALATAN ANDA Periksa alat Anda dari degradasi dan berfungsi baik.
Peralatan Menyelam
Tidak selalu jelas kapan peralatan Anda membutuhkan perawatan atau penggantian, terutama setelah istirahat panjang dari menyelam. Beberapa masalah yang kurang jelas dapat dengan mudah menyelinap di bawah radar Anda. Kita semua tahu bahwa kegagalan peralatan dapat dan memang terjadi, tetapi kegagalan ini masih membuat penyelam lengah.
Beberapa perlengkapan bisa Anda nilai sendiri; yang lain perlu diservis oleh teknisi yang berkualifikasi.
Jika Anda telah membeli peralatan baru selama Anda tidak menyelam, pastikan untuk membiasakan diri dengannya sebelum Anda kembali menyelam.
Periksa Perlengkapan Sebelum Perjalanan Menyelam
Jaga perlengkapan Anda, dan perlengkapan Anda akan menjaga Anda. Ini sangat penting jika Anda telah lama tidak menyelam dan peralatan Anda tidak digunakan.
Check for cracks, tears, pliability of the strap, mold, and if equipped, the purge valve.
Sumber Daya Peralatan Tambahan
Gear Maintenance
Protect your investment and prevent dive accidents. Scuba gear is life-support equipment
and is just as important to maintain as one’s physical health or personal vehicle.
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Berapa Lama Terlalu Tua?
Dive gear such as dive computers and buoyancy compensator devices
(BCDs) get old, too. When should we consider replacing them?
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Bagaimana Cara Membersihkan Peralatan Selam Anda
Dive gear can be contaminated when stored, mold can form, and dust can enter into openings. Cleaning
is not just about infection control and is an essential part of maintaining your equipment.
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New Gear Orientation
Take time to become familiar with your new equipment before returning to diving. Whether you are a new diver buying your
first set of gear or an experienced diver purchasing an updated piece of equipment, it is important to learn about that new gear.
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Keamanan Silinder
Ensuring the safety of your dive cylinder is just as much your responsibility as that of the filling station.
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Are 6351-T6 Alloy Scuba Cylinders Safe to Use?
Cylinders made from this grade of aluminum have been known to rupture during filling and use. There are
safety requirements in place to prevent this from happening, but you need to know and follow these.
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Invisible Crystals
Reports of regulator failure due to blockage by degraded breathing hoses initiated an investigation into why
this happens. Divers need to read this article and follow the guidelines carefully when using braided hoses.
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Air Hoses: A Closer Look
This article summarized the reasons for the degradation of certain brands of braided breathing hoses.
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Hose Failure
Hose degradation is potentially an unseen hazard that you should consider during your predive check.
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