Blue Dragons
Equipment: Sony a7RV camera, Sony 28-60mm lens at 49mm, a Nauticam WACP-C wide-angle conversion port, Nauticam housing, Retra Pro X strobesSettings: 1/250 sec, f/22, ISO 400Location: Sea of Cortez, Baja California […]

Equipment: Sony a7RV camera, Sony 28-60mm lens at 49mm, a Nauticam WACP-C wide-angle conversion port, Nauticam housing, Retra Pro X strobesSettings: 1/250 sec, f/22, ISO 400Location: Sea of Cortez, Baja California […]
The “Historic Dive Helmets” article from the Second Quarter 2024 issue of Alert Diver triggered memories of my father, Burton Stewart, and his best friend Leno Prestini. In 1935 they crafted their […]
Sorb, or scrubber, plays a critical role in rebreather diving, as it is responsible for removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the diver’s breathing gas. Small granules or pellets absorb exhaled […]
Rewilding is a popular term in conservation circles, but what does it mean, and is it appropriate for coral reefs? Should divers be clamoring for reef rewilding? Does it represent […]
La mayoría de nuestras experiencias en fotografía digital se encuentran en algún punto entre un extremo y otro del espectro. Los fotógrafos submarinos suelen hacer una distinción excluyente al describir cómo disparamos, […]
Van Morrison dropped his 34th album, Born to Sing: No Plan B, in 2012. David Fleetham, now 48 years into his career as a professional underwater photographer, reflects on that […]
Soy un hombre de 57 años y estoy considerando someterme a una funduplicatura de Nissen laparoscópica por una enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico refractario (ERGE) y una hernia hiatal. ¿El procedimiento es considerado una contraindicación absoluta […]
El buceo tiene riesgos inherentes. El cuerpo humano no fue diseñado para estar bajo el agua, y el ahogamiento, la enfermedad disbárica, el barotrauma, las lesiones causadas por vida marina peligrosa y los problemas de salud preexistentes requieren una respuesta de emergencia. El buceo en áreas remotas introduce riesgos adicionales, especialmente el acceso a la atención médica.
A recent dive trip changed the lives of everyone involved, and I hope this story might help save another life. About 30 days before the trip, I was talking to […]
As a hyperbaric physician and dive instructor, I’ve been around a lot of dive accidents, and I’ve spent decades educating divers and treating decompression sickness (DCS).