Monoxyde de carbone : Le tueur silencieux

Le monoxyde de carbone (CO), un gaz toxique inodore, insipide et invisible qui peut se retrouver dans votre bouteille de plongée, a causé la mort de plongeurs dans le monde entier.

Planification d'urgence : Qu'est-ce qu'un bon plan?

Does your emergency action plan address real concerns and prepare you for nearly any situation? Learn what to include in your planning to reduce risks and ensure safety.


Entretien du matériel

It’s easy to get complacent about performing routine equipment maintenance because we think expensive equipment should be made to last longer or that we’ll have more time to do it later. But planned maintenance is key to preventing equipment failures.


Protéger notre environnement

Dive businesses, professionals, divers and the broader dive community can be active in their work to protect the environment. Through education, interventions, awareness and other simple steps, we all can work together to support and protect the environment.


Droit de refus

Dive operators and professionals can refuse service to any potential diver if the decision is based upon sound, consistent and safety-related reasons. Read these considerations.
