Bertahan dari Tiga Bahaya di Maladewa

A diver didn’t heed the divemaster’s warning and was lost at sea. Deploying his large surface marker buoy helped with his rescue. DAN recommends that divers always listen to the dive briefing and follow all directions and always carry an SMB and reel. If your breathing-gas supply is critically low, get to the surface at a safe ascent rate, and then monitor for signs of decompression illness. It is better to deal with DCI on the surface than to run out of breathing gas at depth.

Pelampung penanda permukaan yang digunakan untuk membantu penyelamatan

Selamatkan Penyelam, Selamatkan Diri Anda

Divers can’t save themselves unless they understand what’s happening and how to evaluate the problem, keep breathing and act. It sounds simple, but the rescue diver course helped me solidify my safety and survival skills. I may not remember every detail, but one item still stands out for me as invaluable for a new diver: Any dive can be stopped at any time, for any reason, without question. To that I would add “and without embarrassment.” That advice would eventually save me.

penyelam penyelamat

Tidak Hanya untuk Menyelam

WHILE DAN’S SUITE OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS focus primarily on diving, graduates of the courses can apply the skills and knowledge they learned to many circumstances outside the aquatic realm. My wife and I were driving home from a weekend getaway to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, heading northbound on Interstate 95. As expected, I-95 was moderately […]

Penyelam Tidak Sadar

FEBRUARY 6, 2022 HAD ALL THE MAKINGS OF A PROMISING DAY out on the water in the Gulf of Mexico off Destin, Florida. Though I work at a dive shop, this was a recreational lionfish harvesting trip with friends …

scuba diver surfacing

Oksigen Darurat

IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL, WARM SATURDAY IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. We were conducting two checkout dives for an advanced open-water course at a popular dive site in Puget Sound. I had just gotten some divers out of the water, and we were debriefing onshore as divers from a basic open-water class exited the water with […]


Mempraktikkan Keterampilan Penting

WORKING AS A MATE ON DIVE BOATS for the past 22 years has allowed me to be a part of many interesting situations. When teaching scuba classes, I use one particular situation as evidence of the importance of maintaining skills through regular practice.


Penarikan Permukaan Melawan Arus

It was a sunny day at South Florida’s Blue Heron Bridge. Two years had passed since I last dived this location, and I was anticipating a simple excursion to look at the local fish. The dive plan was to make a shore entry and allow the current to take me west down the beach.

Melakukan survei lokasi atau menghubungi toko selam setempat

Remaining Calm When out of Air

Pelatihan dan latihan di luar udara yang tepat sangat penting sehingga situasi seperti ini tidak akan menjadi yang pertama kali dialami oleh seorang penyelam. Seandainya saya tidak memiliki tingkat pengulangan keterampilan yang ditegakkan secara positif oleh instruktur perguruan tinggi saya, peristiwa ini bisa dengan mudah membuat saya takut untuk menyelam di gua.

Meredith Tanguay dan James Mott mendemonstrasikan eksekusi yang benar dari pembagian gas file tunggal di lingkungan overhead

Pemadaman Air Dangkal

Saya telah belajar untuk membaca detail-detail kecil dari setiap teknik setiap atlet dan menafsirkan risiko yang akan datang yang muncul ketika mereka mendorong diri mereka sendiri untuk mengejar performa terbaik pribadi.

shallow water blackout

Lambat dan Santai dengan Teknik yang Baik

MY DIVE BUDDY AND I planned to do a longer than usual dive one Saturday morning at Madison Blue Spring State Park in Lee, Florida. For several years and more than 100 cave dives together, we had built up our experience as a team and our time spent in this specific underwater cave system in northern Florida. We had slowly extended the duration and distance of our dives in this labyrinth of underwater tunnels that weaved throughout the karst limestone of the park, increasing our familiarity with the system while also practicing the skills that we had learned and continued to build on to be safe cave divers. 

cave diving in northern Florida