Senyum, Buaya

Crocodiles are apex predators, and in the wrong place and time, humans are potential prey. There are exceptions, but most of these wonderful and primitive reptiles won’t squander encountering a potential meal. When swimming in any reptile habitat, know who and what you may encounter, or don’t swim at all. The resident American crocodiles at Jardines de la Reina routinely share their waters with snorkelers and divers, but Jen Hayes didn’t feel the same comfort working in Nile crocodile waters in Botswana.

Buaya Amerika beristirahat di tengah air di atas padang lamun

Lari Cumi-cumi di California

Saat Anda terjun ke dalam air yang berwarna hitam seperti malam, ribuan cumi-cumi yang berdenyut mencari pasangan tiba-tiba mengelilingi Anda. Aktivitas kawin terjadi di mana-mana saat beberapa pejantan menyerang satu betina. Kromatofor cumi-cumi yang bersemangat (sel pigmen) memancarkan warna-warni yang mengingatkan kita pada lampu neon di Las Vegas dan membuat kita berada di tengah-tengah pertunjukan cahaya yang hidup dan bergerak. Aksinya begitu hingar-bingar sehingga hewan-hewan tersebut masuk ke dalam peralatan Anda dan memantul di setiap inci tubuh Anda.

Cumi-cumi jantan membungkus tentakel mereka di sekitar betina

Teka-teki Gurun Pasir Biru

Where we encounter marine megafauna, we see only a tiny slice of their habitats and lives, which rarely includes feeding. These animals may travel thousands of feet vertically or migrate a few thousand miles horizontally to meet their nutritional needs. Some of them — sperm whales, for example — must do both: descend to depths of up to a mile or more to feast on aggregations of squid and roam across large swaths of the Pacific to avoid depleting their food resources in any one area.

paus pilot bersirip pendek remaja di antara dua paus dewasa


Every night as the sun slips below the horizon, countless aquatic creatures begin migrating up from the deep in what is quite possibly the greatest show on Earth. Seeking nourishment in shallow water, zooplankton must risk a perilous journey upward, avoiding a gauntlet of predators while remaining in the safety of darkness and then returning […]


Imps of Darkness

IT IS DAY FIVE OF THE VOYAGE, and our liveaboard has finally finished the overnight crossing south from the warm waters of Darwin and Wolf islands to Cape Douglas, Isla Fernandina. Although we don’t travel a great distance …

Iguana laut Galápagos di bawah air

Imps of Darkness

IT IS DAY FIVE OF THE VOYAGE, and our liveaboard has finally finished the overnight crossing south from the warm waters of Darwin and Wolf islands to Cape Douglas, Isla Fernandina. Although we don’t travel a great distance …

Iguana laut Galápagos di bawah air

Tepi Kepunahan

I WAS HOOKED THE FIRST TIME I saw a southern sea otter bobbing in the surf off the coast of California’s Big Sur. I didn’t know then that I would be as spellbound by these rare creatures decades later as I was at that very first sighting.

berang-berang laut selatan

Burung-burung Laut

Salah satu simbol satwa liar terbesar di kerajaan hewan, penguin membuat kita terpesona dengan tingkah lucu mereka dan membuat kita kagum karena mereka dapat hidup dengan baik di lingkungan yang sangat tidak bersahabat.

penguin raja

Sebuah Kisah Siput

AN EDIBLE, SLOW-MOVING ANIMAL that lives in clear, shallow waters doesn’t have a high chance of survival these days. Conchs, specifically queen conchs, used to be widespread throughout the Florida Keys and the Caribbean.

dua wanita perenang snorkel dengan keong

Paus Biru

BERBAGI RUANG DENGAN HEWAN LIAR di alam adalah salah satu anugerah terbesar yang ditawarkan oleh kehidupan. Mungkin Anda pernah bertatapan langsung dengan orangutan di Kalimantan, atau mungkin Anda pernah melihat ikan badut dengan lembut merawat telurnya di terumbu karang. Anda mungkin pernah melihat pasukan semut pemotong daun yang sedang mengangkut potongan tanaman kembali ke koloninya, atau mengintip dari balik haluan kapal hanya untuk melihat lumba-lumba. 
