Helping Divers for 40+ Years
Explore our library of information for answers to the most commonly asked questions about DAN World coverage. If your question isn’t addressed, contact our Team by calling 03-9886-9166 (Mon-Fri 9.00am – 5.00pm AEST) or emailing .
What is DAN World Membership?
DAN World membership includes emergency medical evacuation assistance through DAN TravelAssist, it also provides exclusive access to DAN’s dive accident insurance products, Alert Diver Monthly, and more. Your dues also support ongoing dive safety research, the development of diving health and safety resources and a 24/7 emergency medical assistance for scuba divers across the world. DAN World Membership does not cover associated treatment costs, these are included within our Dive Accident Insurance.
What is Dive Injury (Treatment) Insurance?
At the time of becoming a DAN Member you can add a Dive Injury (Treatment) Insurance Plan, at an additional cost. These plans provide coverage for treatment and certain other costs associated with a covered diving accident as per terms and conditions of the policy. DAN World exclusively offers Members access to these dive injury insurance plans only at the time of joining or renewing their Membership.
Can I apply for DAN World Membership only?
Are any countries excluded from DAN TravelAssist (Emergency Evacuation) Services?
Apakah manfaat evakuasi medis darurat hanya untuk keadaan darurat menyelam?
As a DAN Member, you receive DAN Travel Assist and emergency medical evacuation coverage. These benefits help for both diving and nondiving medical emergencies while you are on a trip. Your emergency medical evacuation coverage assists you when you travel at least 80 km or more from home. To use this member benefit you MUST first contact DAN TravelAssist melalui Hotline Darurat DAN (+1-919-684-9111) SEBELUM membuat pengaturan evakuasi.
How do I use DAN TravelAssist?
Members should call DAN’s 24/7 Emergency Hotline to arrange assistance: 1800 088 200 (Within Australia) or +1 919 684 9111 (Internationally).
Will DAN automatically repatriate me after a medical emergency?
Manfaat DAN TravelAssist will not pay to transport you or a covered family member to your place of residence after a covered medical emergency if there are closer suitable medical facilities that can provide appropriate care for your medical condition.
How do I get reimbursed for an emergency medical evacuation?
Since any emergency medical evacuation must be authorised by and coordinated through DAN TravelAssist in order to be covered, there are no out of pocket costs, so reimbursement is not necessary.
Can I arrange my own evacuation before contacting DAN?
No, you must contact DAN TravelAssist first before an evacuation or you may be left responsible to handle the costs, which can easily exceed US$50,000. All emergency medical evacuation arrangements must be handled by DAN TravelAssist.
How do I cancel my membership?
Will I get a membership card?
Once you become a DAN Member you will be able to download your digital member card through your Member Portal.
Is DAN membership a monthly or annual fee?
DAN membership is one low annual fee that provides benefits for an entire year.
How much does DAN membership cost?
Divers can become a DAN World member for an annual fee of only $82.50. DAN’s Dive Accident Insurance Plans are offered at an additional cost.
If I am lost at sea or otherwise stranded or lost on land or at sea, is “Search and Rescue” covered with my Membership Evacuation benefit?
No, Emergency Evacuation does not include efforts to locate a person (injured or un-injured) whose location is unknown, or efforts to rescue such persons from a dangerous situation or location.
What happens when a government or international agency issues a travel safety warning about a particular country or region – are DAN Membership benefits still valid?
Regarding evacuations, transportation arrangements and other TravelAssist benefits that are a part of every DAN Membership, DAN’s Assistance company will make every effort to evacuate or assist an injured member as long as it is deemed safe to do so at the time the Member requires it. Delays however may occur when locations are experiencing civil unrest or infrastructure facilities are impaired by natural disasters, war or other violence or catastrophes. Periodic, government or international agency travel warnings alone would not negate an appropriate attempt to provide an emergency medical evacuation or repatriation. For example, if a travel warning was issued and the nearest airport was closed due to war, terrorism, violence, riots, natural disasters, etc., preventing a Members evacuation, DAN TravelAssist would attempt to provide assistance via other locations or other means or at the next earliest available time, subject to TravelAssist standard provisions.
I am not a resident of Australia, what do I do?
If you intend to reside in Australia for more than 3 months you can join DAN World as a Member. However, to add a dive accident insurance plan you will need to be intending to reside in Australia for a period of 6 months or more.
DAN is Here to Assist You
DAN is here to help before you leave on your next dive adventure. Contact DAN’s member services team by phone at 03-9886-9166 Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. AEST or by sending an email to untuk mendapatkan bantuan.
What is Dive Accident Insurance?
At the time of becoming a DAN Member you can add a Dive Accident Insurance Plan. These plans provide coverage for treatment and certain other costs associated with a covered diving accident as per terms and conditions of the policy. DAN World exclusively offers Members access to these dive accident insurance plans only at the time of joining or renewing their Membership.
Can I Purchase Dive Accident Insurance Without A DAN Membership?
DAN Membership is required before dive accident insurance can be purchased. Dive accident insurance cannot be purchased alone.
Who can apply for Dive Accident Insurance?
Any recreational diver or snorkeller, including instructors and divemasters supervising recreational diving activities, who is a Member of DAN World and is between the ages of 12 and 80. It’s also available to certain research divers & underwater photographers. Coverage is not available for commercial diving other than those activities specified.
What is the coverage period for Dive Accident Insurance?
Are Snorkelling, Freediving and Spearfishing covered by Dive Accident Insurance?
Treatment for injuries resulting from recreational snorkelling, freediving and spearfishing is covered as per terms and conditions of the policy, this excludes any competition-related activity.
Berapa Biaya Perawatan Ruang Hiperbarik Biasanya?
The cost of hyperbaric chamber treatments vary, however, the cost could range from USD$330-$1000 per hour plus the costs of medication and physician fees. Costs depend on how many treatments are required, the location of the dive accident and the hyperbaric chamber facility.
Is Dive Accident Insurance Valid Within Australia?
No. As a diver residing within Australia, your Dive Accident Insurance benefits apply to accidents that occur outside the Commonwealth of Australia.
Does DAN offer Liability Coverage for Dive Professionals in Australia?
No. DAN World in the Asia-Pacific region does NOT offer liability insurance or any sort of indemnity insurance.
Is there a Cooling Off Period?
If, after reading the Terms, you are not satisfied with the cover, you may cancel the cover within 21 days of purchasing your cover and obtain a full refund less any non-refundable government charges and taxes that we have paid. You may notify DAN in writing or electronically by sending an email to with your request to cancel the cover.
If you make a claim for any incident within the 21-day period, no cooling off period is permitted.
If the cover is for an event that will finish within the 21 days cooling off period, you can only exercise your right to cancel before the event starts.
I am not a resident of Australia, what do I do?
If you intend to reside in Australia for more than 3 months you can join DAN World as a Member. However, to add a dive accident insurance plan you will need to be intending to reside in Australia for a period of 6 months or more.
Are Commercial Diving Activities Covered Under Dive Accident Insurance Plans?
Commercial diving is not covered. DAN World offers dive accident insurance for recreational divers.
Should I also take out Travel Insurance?
Yes. DAN always encourages divers to take out travel insurance in addition to their DAN coverage when they travel. Travel Insurance offers coverage for things that are not covered by DAN Membership or Insurance, such as lost/stolen luggage.
If I want to dive deeper than 50 metres on the Preferred Plan, what certification do I need?
With the Preferred Plan it is stated that a person is covered for a Diving Accident sustained on a dive to any depth provided that the Insured was experienced, held appropriate certification for the dive, and was using appropriate breathing gas mixes and equipment during the dive or Repetitive Dive Series. The Preferred Plan is partly designed to provide higher coverage limits for those who desire these. It is also designed to provide coverage for a ‘technical’ diver who has the required training and/or experience to dive in reasonable safety beyond 50m, as long as they are doing so using appropriate equipment and breathing gas. This limitation was introduced to encourage divers to think carefully and be appropriately prepared before they undertake very deep dives. In the event of a claim for a dive beyond 50m, the appropriateness of a particular dive may be assessed by suitable diving medical and/or technical experts looking at the divers training and certification, as well as their experience at or around the depth of the dive where the accident occurred, to determine if the dive plan was reasonable for that diver. Please refer to the Policy Wording for full details.
What happens when a government or international agency issues a travel safety warning about a particular country or region – are the dive accident Insurance benefits still valid?
DAN’s dive accident insurance is valid for dive medical treatment expenses that occur as a result of a covered diving accident. If a travel advisory were issued for a country or area and the Member was treated at a medical facility during the period that the travel advisory was in effect, the Member would still be able to file a claim with their DAN insurance upon returning home (up to 1 year following the accident).
In the event of a diving accident or emergency, who do I call?
Call the DAN Emergency Hotline:
- Within Australia, 1800 088 200
- International: +1 919 684 9111
How do I make a claim on a Dive Accident Insurance Plan?
Application Process and Travelling FAQs
What information must I disclose about a pre-existing / pre-disposing medical condition, serious injury or previous decompression illness (DCI)?
It is important that you notify the DAN team of any significant injury or medical condition you have suffered or are currently suffering from, as well as regular medications you are taking. This requirement is not onerous and is there to help guide our members to discuss any potential problems with a diving doctor, if appropriate.
Are any exclusions applicable to Pre-existing or Predisposing Medical Conditions?
No benefit will be paid under any plan for charges in connection with any injury or illness arising directly or indirectly from any Predisposing or Pre-existing Condition – the only exception to this is a previous case of Decompression Illness (DCI) that has been declared to DAN and accepted by the insurers.
What happens if I am moving or travelling for an extended period away from the address of my DAN registration?
Whenever you move from the address of residence used when you enrolled as a DAN World Member, you must inform DAN World of your new address: phone 03-9886-9166 or email . This is important for insurance regulation purposes and to make sure you receive all the important Member notices and safety information benefits you are entitled to. If you will be moving out of the country of your DAN Registration, or away for an extended period (3 months or more), it is important that you notify the DAN team in order to ensure a claim is approved in the event of an accident, and, that you have the appropriate cover for your new country of residence (or where you will be travelling most of the time).
I have a residence in Australia but I travel a lot for work. Can I still apply for DAN World coverage?
If DAN is a worldwide organisation why do I need to change region when I move to other parts of the world?
If you live in another country (other than from where you joined DAN) for an extended period of time you might fall under the insurance laws set out by that country which could be different in some ways to those on which your policy is structured. As such, it is essential that you inform DAN World when you are planning move to another country for a period or three or more months as some of your benefits may be impacted.
Darurat 24 jam Saluran Siaga
di Australia
di Indonesia
Layanan Medis DAN tersedia 7 x 24 jam sepanjang tahun
Panggilan collect internasional diterima.
Saluran Telepon untuk Informasi Medis
Dapatkan jawaban atas pertanyaan non-darurat, kesehatan dan menyelam.
Senin-Jumat, pukul 08.30-17.00 WIB
+1-919-684-2948, Opsi 4
Online: Tanya Dokter
Tunggu 24 – 48 jam untuk mendapat tanggapan.
Sumber Daya Keselamatan Selam
Keanggotaan DAN World termasuk pendaftaran otomatis di DAN TravelAssist®. Manfaat tersedia untuk keadaan darurat penyelaman dan non-penyelaman, dengan batas manfaat gabungan hingga $150.000.
Manfaat DAN TravelAssist® Manfaat disediakan oleh DAN, Travel Guard®, dan penyedia layanan lainnya tergantung pada manfaatnya. Untuk mengakses manfaat ini atau meminta transportasi medis darurat, Anda harus menghubungi DAN TravelAssist untuk bantuan. Transportasi medis darurat yang diatur langsung oleh Anda tidak dapat diganti.