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Geri Murphy

By Text by Stephen Frink | photos and captions by Geri Murphy

Q4 2023

BEFORE THE INTERNET WAS AVAILABLE, people read print magazines to learn about scuba diving — how to do it, what gear to buy, and where to go. For 51 years, from 1951 to 2002, the king of the genre was Skin Diver magazine. The undisputed queen of cover photography for Skin Diver was Geri Murphy.

La culpa es del lastre

Por Sarah Egner

Q4 2023

MARITIME TRANSPORT HAS MORE TO DO WITH CORAL DISEASE than you might think. Just like most animals, corals can get diseases. Researchers first recognized coral disease in the early 1970s. It has increased over time and become a significant threat in many areas of the world.

Aletas de buceo en apnea reinventadas

Por Mark Laboccetta

Q4 2023

IN THE 1900s UMBERTO PELIZZARI was a young diver from Busto Arsizio, Italy, who was making headlines by breaking world records in constant weight and variable weight freediving. Needing an edge against his archrival, Francisco “Pipin” Ferreras, he sought advice on fins from a friend who was knowledgeable about innovative freediving equipment: Valerio Grassi, founder of Omersub.

Mucho más que coral colorido

Por Peter Schopfer

Q4 2023

I’M ALWAYS AMAZED at what people will do for love. My girlfriend, who is terrified of the ocean, announced that she wanted to learn to dive and then accompany me on a trip to Raja Ampat, Indonesia. I was thrilled. We come from different backgrounds and always look for activities we can do together. 

Salmon Run

By By Franco Banfi; Photos taken under permit of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, British Columbia Parks

Q4 2023

IN THE ADAMS RIVER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, huge flows of sockeye salmon swim upstream to complete their life cycle, marked by the compelling need to return to their birthplace to spawn. Their unique journey from the ocean to their freshwater birthplace to reproduce is riddled with obstacles and dangers.


Texto y fotos de Stephen Frink

Q3 2023

ESTABA LEYENDO EL PRÓLOGO DE SYLVIA EARLE A Our Ocean, Our Future: Palau, un precioso libro ilustrado de Michael Aw, David Doubilet y Jennifer Hayes. Earle comenzó comentando cuándo le preguntan cuál es el mejor lugar para bucear. Su respuesta habitual es: "Casi cualquier sitio, hace 50 años".

Bucear en las Islas Turcas y Caicos

Texto y fotos de Steve Rosenberg

Q3 2023

BUCEAR EN LAS ISLAS TURCAS Y CAICOS garantiza mucha belleza y emoción. Este protectorado británico de ultramar seduce a los turistas con el eslogan "Hermoso por naturaleza". Las aguas caribeñas de las islas ofrecen impresionantes paredes verticales, frecuentes encuentros cercanos con pelágicos y oportunidades de observar una increíble diversidad de fascinante vida marina.

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