Le voyage d'une vie

IN 2018 AND 2019, MY HUSBAND AND I traveled to 50 locations in 35 countries over 14 continuous months, spending more than 250 hours underwater to research a dive travel guidebook for National Geographic.

Confessions d'un plongeur Yahoo

A COMMERCIAL DIVER FRIEND TOLD ME YEARS AGO that people like me — recreational divers who do commercial diving work — are often referred to as yahoos.
I was always comfortable underwater and, at 78 years old, still am.

Pratiquer les compétences essentielles

Travailler comme second sur des bateaux de plongée au cours des 22 dernières années m'a permis d'assister à de nombreuses situations intéressantes. Lorsque je donne des cours de plongée, j'utilise une situation particulière pour démontrer l'importance d'entretenir ses compétences par une pratique régulière.

Après l'accident

Le fait d'être impliqué dans un événement traumatisant peut avoir des répercussions sur tout le monde : les professionnels de la plongée ou les plongeurs sauveteurs qui effectuent un sauvetage, les prestataires non professionnels qui aident à la réanimation cardio-pulmonaire et aux premiers secours, ainsi que les compagnons de plongée ou les spectateurs.


Ai-je besoin d'oxygène de qualité médicale ?

DAN INTRODUCED THE FIRST standardized emergency oxygen course for divers as lay providers in 1991. More people trained in oxygen delivery means that providers in dive locations worldwide need to have emergency oxygen units available. Obtaining oxygen refills, however, is an ongoing problem …


Permettre aux plongeurs de s'adapter

WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS, you make lemonade, as the saying goes. Such was the case for Jen Overturf. She suffered a spinal injury at her sixth thoracic vertebra from a dirt-biking accident in 2003 that left her paralyzed from the waist down. After the accident …


Plongeurs démonstrateurs

La plupart des gens connaissent l'importance historique du jour J, ce jour tristement célèbre où les forces alliées ont débarqué sur les côtes de l'Europe occidentale le 6 juin 1944.

Few people, however, know the story of the men who went into these enemy waters before them. Armed with nothing but a mask, fins, and a knife …


Le dernier voyage

IT IS MAY 1940, AND GERMANY HAS BEEN AT WAR WITH THE UNITED KINGDOM for more than eight months. Tensions are high across western Europe. It appears inevitable that Italy, under the fascist government of Benito Mussolini, will enter the war aligned with Germany. In Naples, Capt. Lorenzo Muiesan of Italy’s SS Umbria, a maritime […]


Dean Hollis : une passion pour l'eau et l'impact sur les vies

DEAN HOLLIS, FOUNDER OF SWIM AND DIVE RETAILER DIVENTURES, grew up in Lakeland, Florida, as a third-generation Floridian. “I spent the first 22 years of my life in Florida, where I pretty much lived in the water,” …


Dépêche DAN : Nouveau rapport annuel sur la plongée disponible

THE NEWEST EDITION OF DAN’S ANNUAL DIVING REPORT IS NOW AVAILABLE. While the release of the 2020 report was delayed, it offers fascinating insights, statistics, and case summaries of recreational dive incidents and fatalities that occurred in 2018.
