Emboli Gas Arteri Air Dangkal

Pada Musim Gugur 2013, istri saya, Liv, dan saya mengawasi 16 penyelam baru yang mengalami jarak pandang rendah untuk pertama kalinya. Tempat pelatihan kami memiliki kedalaman maksimum [...]

memotret penyelam

Emboli Gas Arteri Air Dangkal

Pulmonary barotrauma can occur in a shallow swimming pool if a diver holds their breath during ascent or inadvertently floats to the surface while holding their breath. Most dive-related pulmonary barotraumas occur in compressed-gas diving due to pulmonary overinflation during a breath-hold ascent. Pulmonary barotrauma can occur even with normal breathing if there is an obstruction in the bronchial tree that prevents one lung segment’s normal ventilation.

penyelam memotret kehidupan laut

Kapan Penyelamatan Harus Dimulai?

DIVING INHERENTLY CARRIES AN ELEVATED LEVEL OF RISK because humans cannot survive underwater without specialized equipment. When things go wrong, an effective rescue is vital for a favorable outcome. Most rescue diver courses teach students basic techniques to apply after something goes wrong, but better courses also provide techniques to prevent incidents from occurring in […]

Gurita Saya Pergi ke Mana?

THE DIVE INDUSTRY IS FULL OF DEBATES. Should you use a jacket-style, back-inflate, or backplate and wing buoyancy compensator? A canister light or a cordless light? A weight belt or integrated weights? Regular fins or split fins?

skills for buddy breathing with left handed octopus

Mengajar Penyelamatan: Apakah saya memenuhi syarat?

WHEN ASKED TO DESCRIBE THEIR FAVORITE COURSE, many divers will discuss the challenges and triumphs they experienced during their rescue class. Instructors often describe rescue as the most rewarding course they teach. It is often the first course in which divers begin thinking about others more than themselves, so it’s little surprise that it stands […]


Setelah Kecelakaan

Being involved in a traumatic event can take a toll on everyone: dive professionals or rescue divers who perform a rescue, lay providers who help with CPR and first aid, and dive buddies or bystanders.


Kesadaran Keselamatan Penyelaman Bebas

Minat terhadap penyelaman dengan menahan napas, yang juga dikenal sebagai penyelaman bebas, telah berkembang pesat selama dekade terakhir. Sebagian besar orang yang menyukai olahraga air pernah menahan napas di bawah air pada suatu saat, tetapi sebagian besar melakukannya tanpa pelatihan formal atau kesadaran akan bahaya yang diketahui meskipun informasi tentang penyelamatan nyawa ini sudah tersedia.

formal training, breath-hold diving

Hindari Menyelam dengan Penyumbat Telinga

TOPIK YANG SERING TERJADI saat membahas keselamatan menyelam adalah penggunaan penyumbat telinga. Apakah mereka aman digunakan saat menyelam? Apakah DAN memiliki rekomendasi?

Memasukkan penyumbat telinga

Anak-anak dan Menyelam

ANAK di bawah umur telah menyelam selama puluhan tahun, tetapi kejadian cedera akibat menyelam di antara mereka masih belum banyak diteliti.

child diving

Penilaian Risiko Penyelaman Bebas

THE RAPID GROWTH OF FREEDIVING in the U.S. brings a positive light to a sport that is mentally healthy and physically inspiring but has little tolerance for error. Shallow-water blackout and respiratory barotrauma are the most feared consequences of freediving, but they can be minimized with training and good safety practices. 

free diver surfacing