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Programs & Services

Membership & Coverage

DAN offers divers affordable options to be covered in the event of a diving accident/illness with emergency medical evacuation assistance as well as coverage for treatment costs following a covered diving accident. In addition, your dues support ongoing dive safety research, the development of diving health and safety resources and 24/7 emergency medical assistance for scuba divers across the world.

First Aid Courses

DAN offers first-class safety training and education to divers, dive professionals, dive center operators and medical professionals around the world. DAN Instructors are among the most experienced and capable in the industry. Their passion for teaching combined with DAN’s ongoing commitment to keeping diver’s safe sets our programs apart.


Join more than 250,000 of your fellow scuba divers who have already decided to become members.

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Proper Disposal of Used Rebreather Scrubber

Sorb plays a critical role in rebreather diving, as it is responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the diver’s breathing gas. Disposing of sorb should be done thoughtfully.

DAN’s Impact at the 2024 DEMA Show

From dive business meetings and safety training sessions to social gatherings and media initiatives, DAN’s presence at the 2024 DEMA Show supported our commitment to serving the diving community.

Carbon Monoxide Detection Devices for Divers

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly contaminant that can enter scuba cylinders. In response to numerous cases of contaminated gas, DAN has researched CO detection products for use by the diving community.