New Dive Accident & Optional Annual Travel Assistance Packages

DAN World now offers dive accident assistance packages that combine traditional DAN membership benefits with dive accident assistance benefits. It’s all the coverage you expect from DAN, packaged for your convenience. Dive confidently knowing you have the world’s leading dive safety organization on your side.


  • Covers diving accidents and injuries
  • Choose between domestic (local) and worldwide coverage plans
  • Optional travel assistance packages (with Master & Preferred)
  • Worldwide travel assistance
  • Access to Alert Diver and a wealth of other diving health and safety resources

Medical Benefits

  • 24/7 emergency hotline
  • Emergency evacuation & repatriation
  • Pays 100% of eligible accident medical expenses (up to plan limit)
  • DAN Medical Information Line


  • Medical expenses from accident or sickness
  • Trip cancellation
  • Trip interruption
  • Baggage coverage
  • Baggage delay

Optional travel assistance packages are available with the Master and Preferred dive accident assistance packages only.

Dive Accident Assistance Packages

Choose the package that best meets your needs.

As a DAN World member, you’ll enjoy a suite of valuable benefits designed to make you a safer, smarter diver. DAN World’s dive accident assistance packages are an affordable way for divers to obtain coverage against the costs of dive injuries that are often left uncovered by typical health insurance plans.

Annual CoverageDomestic
AL US$65
Emergency Medical Transportationup to US$10,000 Up to US$150,000Up to US$150,000 
Repatriation of Mortal RemainsIncludedUS$10,000 sublimitUS$10,000 sublimit
Repatriation for Additional CareIncludedIncluded in US$150,000 limitIncluded in US$150,000 limit
Local BurialIncludedUS$10,000 sublimitUS$10,000 sublimit
Visit of a Family Member or Friend 
(Includes Traveling Companion)
N/AUS$1,000 sublimitUS$1,000 sublimit
Emergency Return Home – Family DeathN/AIncluded in US$150,000 limitIncluded in US$150,000 limit
Return of Dependent ChildrenN/AIncluded in US$150,000 limitIncluded in US$150,000 limit
Return of Traveling Companion N/AIncluded in US$150,000 limitIncluded in US$150,000 limit
Dive Accident Assistance
Dive Accident Medical ExpensesUp to US$50,000 LT*Up to US$125,000 LT*Up to US$250,000 PO*
Accidental Death & DismembermentN/AUp to US$10,000Up to US$25,000
Permanent and Total DisabilityN/AUp to US$10,000Up to US$25,000
Extra TransportationN/AUp to US$1,000Up to US$5,000
Extra AccommodationsN/AUp to US$1,000Up to US$5,000
Diving Vacation CancellationN/AN/AUp to US$5,000
Diving Vacation InterruptionN/AN/AUp to US$5,000
Policy HandbookPolicy HandbookPolicy Handbook
*LT (lifetime maximum), PO (per occurrence)

DAN World’s Annual Travel Assistance Packages

Enjoy added protection all year long.

Our annual travel assistance packages, combined with the Dive Accident Assistance package, cover you on every trip you take during the year any time you travel 80 kilometers or more from home, round trip. Budget-friendly rates make these packages ideal for recreational travelers.

Annual Travel Assistance Package (additional premium)Master Travel
Preferred Travel
Medical Expenses from Accident or SicknessUp to US$50,000Up to US$100,000 
Accidental Death & DismembermentUp to US$10,000Up to US$25,000
Permanent & Total DisabilityUp to US$10,000Up to US$25,000
Trip CancellationUp to US$1,500Up to US$2,500
Trip InterruptionUp to US$1,500Up to US$2,500
Baggage CoverageUp to US$1,500Up to US$2,500
Baggage DelayUS$250US$500
Policy HandbookPolicy Handbook

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about dive accident & annual travel assistance packages?

Customer Service

Latin America & Caribbean

Mon-Fri 8:30am – 5:00pm ET

Phone: +1-202-470-0929 (English)

Phone: +52-55-8421-9866 (Spanish)


Other Ways to contact LAC

Skype: “DANWorldEng” for English
“DANWorldSp” for Spanish

Chat with us on WhatsApp

Follow us on Facebook

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24/7 Emergency Hotline


+52-557-100-0540  in Spanish

+55-11-3042-1157  in Portuguese

DAN medics available
24 / 7 / 365

Medical Information Line

Get answers to your non-emergency-related health and diving questions.

Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. ET


Online: Ask A Medic

Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.
