Health & Medicine


Providing medical information and support
for the diving community

DAN World exists to provide expert medical information for the benefit of the diving public. We offer real-time assistance with dive accidents and work to prevent injuries and promote diver safety.

Medical Services

DAN’s medical services are available to divers, dive professionals and health care providers. We offer continuing medical education, an emergency hotline, medical information, physician consultations, educational programs and a worldwide referral network of doctors who treat and evaluate divers. 

The DAN Emergency Hotline is staffed by a team of doctors, nurses, paramedics and emergency medical technicians who are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to provide information, coordinate care and facilitate evacuations.


When you need it most, DAN will be here to help. We coordinate emergency evacuations and cover the costs — up to US$150,000 per person (depending on the plan). Every DAN member is entitled to these emergency services as well as travel, medical, legal, and personal assistance. 

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In addition to staffing the DAN Emergency Hotline, DAN medics are available during regular business hours to answer your questions about dive medicine and fitness to dive. Our team of doctors, nurses, paramedics, and EMTs offers medical information, referrals, evacuation assistance, and more via phone, email and

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Physician Referral

DAN maintains a worldwide network of physicians who serve the diving public. If you are looking for a doctor to conduct a diving physical or would like a consultation with a dive medicine specialist in your area, give us a call.

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Health Resources

This collection of online resources provides valuable information about the most important aspects of diver health and safety. Relevant to experienced divers and new divers alike, these educational and reference guides offer useful insights into topics such as cardiovascular health, ears and equalization, decompression sickness, hazardous marine life injuries and much more.

Dive Medical References

Gain in-depth knowledge about common issues encountered by divers. Our medical references cover decompression sickness, ear equalization, marine bites and stings, and more.

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Health & Safety Guidelines

These scientific summaries, based on DAN research findings and workshop proceedings, can aid divers and dive professionals in making informed decisions about diver health and safety.

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Smart Guides

With in-depth information about common medical concerns and their significance to divers, Diseases & Conditions entries cover anatomy, first aid, symptoms, prevention and more.

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Medical Fitness to Dive Evaluation

Do you know when to get checked by your doctor? This guide will give you the information you need to ensure you are fit to dive throughout your life.

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