DAN World is the global division of Divers Alert Network, the world’s leading dive safety organization. In an alliance centered upon improving dive safety for all divers, PADI and DAN World have partnered to help ensure you’re protected throughout your dive adventure.

DAN World short-term dive accident coverage provides you with US$200,000 in emergency medical benefits should you have a dive accident – helping safeguard you throughout your dive trip. So, explore with confidence knowing DAN World is with you.

Coverage Overview*

Emergency Medical Transportation & Assistance

Limit US$100,000

Emergency Evacuation – If you have a diving accident and local medical care is unavailable, DAN World will arrange and pay for transportation from the place where the accident occurs to the nearest hospital or medical facility where appropriate medical evaluation, treatment and care can be obtained.

Medically Necessary Transfer – If, after being treated for a diving accident it is determined that medically necessary care is locally unavailable, DAN World will arrange and pay for transportation to a different hospital or medical facility for further care, treatment or evaluation.

Dive Accident Medical Coverage

Limit US$100,000

If you have a diving accident, DAN World will pay the reasonable and customary charge for necessary medical care, including hyperbaric chamber treatments, physician fees, ambulance charges, hospital charges, medical supply charges, and various other covered charges related to your treatment.

Search and Rescue

Limit US$10,000

If you disappear while making a dive, and the Coast Guard, local Police or other National or International services responsible for safety at sea and/or search and rescue undertake a search in an effort to save your life, DAN World will pay up to US$10,000 for expenses of the search and rescue effort. Reimbursement shall be limited to expensesincurred by organizations which are specially trained and approved to undertake searchand rescue operations.

Accidental Death & Dismemberment

Limit US$10,000

Should you die as a result of a diving accident, DAN World will pay a US$10,000 death benefit. In the event of dismemberment, DAN World will pay for the loss based on the Table of Losses in the policy.

Repatriation of Remains

Limit US$5,000

Should you die as a result of a diving accident, DAN World will arrange and pay to return your mortal remains to your home for burial. Covered expenses include embalming, cremation, necessary government authorizations, coffins, and transportation.

Extra Transportation/ Accommodations

Limit US$3,000

If you are delayed in returning home following a diving accident on the written advice of a physician, DAN World will pay up to US$3,000 for any necessary extra transportation or extra accommodations.

Lost Diving Equipment

Limit US$2,000

If you have a diving accident and your diving equipment is lost or unintentionally damaged, DAN World will pay you the present market value of the diving equipment at the time of the loss or damage, up to a limit of US$2,000. If any item that was lost or damaged is part of an assembly of items, DAN World will pay for only the part that was lost or damaged.

Cave & Ice Diving


Rebreather Coverage


24 Hour Worldwide Assistance


The DAN Global Emergency Hotline, medical information specialists and customerservice representatives are available 24-hours per day to provide you with assistance andconsultation when you suffer a covered diving accident.

*Coverage overview is for illustration purposes only. View the Description of Coverage for complete policy details. Maximum aggregate benefit limit is US$200,000 for all benefits. Learn More

Special Notification for Travelers to Cuba: If you are traveling to Cuba and require medical treatment, you may be required to pay for services provided to you while in Cuba, and then file a claim for reimbursement when you return home. Oftentimes, payments in Cuba must be made in cash. Direct payment by U.S. companies to medical care providers is difficult and is often not available in Cuba. Learn More

In Case of Emergency

Notification Requirement

If you become ill or injured, you should immediately proceed to the closest emergency medical facility. In the event of an accident or injury covered by this policy, you must immediately contact DAN World to confirm coverage and obtain a guarantee of payment for any medical services to be rendered. If circumstances exist which prevent you from contacting DAN World immediately, you must notify DAN World as soon as possible under the circumstances.

Call: +1 (919) 684-9111

In the event of a diving accident, you should immediately contact DAN’s Global Emergency Hotline at +1 (919) 684-9111. This service is staffed 24/7/365 by qualified DAN physicians and other medical professionals who can provide emergency assistance. Worldwide collect calls are accepted.

For non-medical emergencies, please call +1 (919) 226-3838.

How to File a Claim

You must give DAN World written notice of a claim within ten (10) days after the loss occurs. To submit a claim, obtain claim forms or request additional information on how to report a claim, please contact: 

DAN World — Claims
c/o DAN Services, Inc.
6 West Colony Place
Durham, NC 27705 USA

Phone: +1 (919) 226-3838


If you have any questions or need more information regarding DAN World Short Term Dive Accident Coverage, call usat+1 919 226 3838 or email

DAN World is Your Dive Safety Association
