A home gym isn’t necessary to work out at home. You can do this exercise program using readily available furniture and complete it in one session or spread the exercises throughout the day.
Complete three sets of 10 repetitions of each exercise for a full-body workout. Any object you use to support your weight should be sufficiently stable. Traction is necessary during these exercises; socks on hardwood floors or tile surfaces, for example, may cause you to slip and fall.

Hip Gate
1. Stand while facing your counter, and place both hands on the countertop.
2. Take one large step backward, and then bring your other foot back.
3. Keep your weight on your feet, using your hands for balance and stability.
4. Raise one leg to as close to 90 degrees as possible with your knee bent.
5. Rotate your hip outward as far as is comfortable.
6. Rotate your hip back to the starting position.
7. Lower your foot to the ground.
8. Repeat with the opposite leg to complete one rep.
Tip: Make sure you are far enough away from the counter to avoid hitting it with your knee.
Modification: Lift your foot slightly off the floor.
Challenge: Hold each position for three to five seconds.

Shoulder Mobility Lateral to Front Raise
1. Stand straight with your arms resting at your sides while holding a small weight (such as a soup can) in each hand.
2. Raise both arms laterally to as close to horizontal as possible.
3. Keep your arms straight and bring together the weights (or soup cans) in front of you.
4. Lower your arms.
5. Raise both arms in front of you to as close to horizontal as possible.
6. Move your arms laterally until they are raised at your sides.
7. Lower your arms to return to the original starting position to complete one rep.
Tip: Do not lock your elbows.
Modification: Don’t use any weights.
Challenge: Hold each lift for three seconds.

Leg Scissors
1. Sit on a chair or couch with your hands supporting your body.
2. Lift your legs straight out in front of you.
3. Open your legs as wide as possible.
4. Keeping your legs extended, bring your feet together, and cross them for one rep.
5. Alternate the top foot for each rep.
Tip: The farther back you put your hands, the easier the exercise.
Modification: Keep your knees bent and your feet just off the floor.
Challenge: Hold for three to five seconds when your legs are apart.

Core Twist with a Pillow
1. Sit on a couch with both feet on the floor and shoulder-width apart.
2. Rotate to the side and pick up a pillow.
3. Rotate to the opposite side and put down the pillow to complete one rep.
Tip: Keep your knees pointed in front of you.
Modification: Don’t rotate all the way to the side.
Challenge: Use a heavier object.

Stand to Knee Raise
1. Sit on the edge of a couch or chair.
2. Stand up without using your hands.
3. Lift one knee to as close to 90 degrees as possible.
4. Return to the seated position.
5. Repeat, lifting the opposite leg to complete one rep.
Tip: Keep your head and chest facing forward.
Modification: Use a higher or firmer chair.
Challenge: Try standing with one leg.

Counter Tricep Dip
1. Start by facing away from the countertop.
2. Place your palms on the counter’s edge.
3. Take one small step away from the counter.
4. Slowly lower yourself as far as you are comfortable, making sure your elbows go straight back as you bend at the knees.
5. Press through your palms to return to the starting position to complete one rep.
Tip: Keep your elbows in to ensure shoulder stability.
Modification: Use your legs to help with the lift.
Challenge: Step farther from the countertop, or try a lower surface, such as the edge of your couch.

Rotating Counter Push-Ups
1. Face a countertop, and place your palms on the edge.
2. Take one step back to a comfortable position.
3. Lower your chest toward the countertop, keeping your body straight.
4. Rotate to one side, and balance in a side plank.
5. Return to the starting position and do another push-up.
6. Repeat on the opposite side to complete one rep.
Tip: Keep your body straight, and tuck your elbows.
Modification: Keep your feet closer to the counter.
Challenge: Step farther away from the counter, or use a lower surface, such as the edge of your couch.
NOTE: To avoid an increased risk of decompression sickness, DAN® recommends that divers avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours after making a dive. During your annual physical exam or following any changes in your health status, consult your physician to ensure you have medical clearance to dive.
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