Exercising After a Break

Sometimes life gets in the way — family obligations, unforeseen injuries, work responsibilities, social events — or perhaps the world as we know it shuts down for a while. When these things overwhelm us, many people tend to sacrifice exercise first. You may miss a few workouts, and then your exercise routine slowly slips from regular to nonexistent. It happens to most people — even fitness experts and professional athletes — at some time. Although it may feel challenging, it is possible to restart your exercise routine.

two men swimming laps

Building Better Balance

DIVING TAKES PLACE in an environment that is dynamic both in and out of the water. Challenging and changing situations can happen even while traveling to a dive site. Balance exercises can help improve your ability to maintain or regain stability on a rocking boat. Wearing scuba gear changes your weight distribution and center of […]

Fitness for Scuba: Exercises for All Ages

SARCOPENIA IS A NATURAL MUSCLE LOSS (atrophy) due to aging. Periods of inactivity due to injury, illness, or a busy life can accelerate this process. Individuals over the age of 65 are particularly …

dive fitness stretches

Spine Health

LOWER BACK PAIN is one of the most common medical complaints. Estimates are that more than 500 million individuals worldwide experience lower back pain, making it the leading cause of disability. […]

Physioball rollout plank

Foam Rolling for Recovery

RECOVERY IS AN ESSENTIAL ASPECT OF TRAINING. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) can happen 24 to 48 hours after a workout, and divers don’t want to be distracted by DOMS during their next dive. To improve muscle imbalances, relax muscles, increase mobility, and reduce soreness, try foam rolling. Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial […]


Beginner Bike Training

Cycling is a great way to improve health and fitness with no impact on your bones and joints. Adjusting the time and intensity can accommodate anyone from beginners to elite athletes. Cycling can reduce your risk of stroke, heart disease, and diabetes and improve your mental health.

group of triathlete on bicycle ride on the road

Body Bar Exercises

STRENGTH TRAINING is a great way to tone and build muscle. These exercises can help your stabilization while moving in scuba gear and around a boat.

model Alexa Frink

Yoga Fitness for Scuba Diving

YOGA KEEPS YOU YOUNG, at least from a physiological perspective. Regular yoga practice can counter the effects of aging by regularly moving joints through a full range of motion, improving strength and balance, and reducing stress. 

cobra position two

Outdoor Fitness Training

PLAYGROUNDS ARE GREAT PLACES for an outdoor workout while traveling. Most local parks have equipment that can facilitate the exercises in this article. Adult fitness playgrounds are ideal but less common than traditional playgrounds. Always be mindful of children’s personal space when utilizing traditional playground equipment. These exercises are also a great option for incorporating family fitness on vacation.

woman performing an incline pushup

No Gym Equipment, No Problem

A home gym isn’t necessary to work out at home. You can do this exercise program using readily available furniture and complete it in one session or spread the exercises throughout the day.

leg scissors